Chapter 13:

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"Yes." I responded, still looking at the empty spot "Something is very wrong."

"What?" Ghost asked

"That." I said, pointing at the empty space

"...What's wrong with that?" He asked. I didn't answer. I just kind of stared at the empty space

"Diamooond?" Ghost asked, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I blinked back to reality and looked at him. I immediately felt my face heat up, and my heart start racing.

"S-Sorry!" I stuttered

He chuckled "You're so cute!" I felt my face heat up even more. "What?" I asked "U-Uh, What?" He asked "What?" I asked again "What, What?" He responded

Ruby: That's a classic way to take back words no one heard. Or you think no one heard.

"Let's get out of here." Emerald Said, grabbing my arm and dragging me outside; Ghost following close behind.

We stepped into the area where I killed OMR and the whole of the Police Force.(Let's call this Town Square) There were people there, going on their normal day. Someone shouted "THERES RUBY CASKET!"

Aw crap

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