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Life is so fucked up.
That's one thing no one ever tells you.

They tell you about all of the possibilites, how its so great, and that you can be anything you want...

Its a lie...

The truth is...

You can't be anything you want. Not every one has the same possibilities and its not as great as they make it seem.

They don't tell you about all of the pain that you will go through. All of the horrible things that you will see. And all of the messed up things that people will do to you.

Some of us have it worst that others...
Always in pain.
Always being hurt.
Always feeling worthless.
Always crying your heart out.

Those people are screaming for help...but no one hears them.

Life is not easy...

Its a battlefield.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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