This is to my family.
You will never know this since I won't ever he able to tell you without breaking into tears but every night I cry. I don't even know why. I love you but I feel like everyone would either be happier or not notice if I was gone. Please....someone help me.
This is my confession...
I think about commitment suicide almost every night.
I have attempted to cut myself before.
I cry at night,since no one else is awake.
I know I bother everyone by merely existing.
I hate eating.
I have to talk myself out of suicide.
Sometimes I'm tempted to just write a goodbye note and leave for good.
Because of all the stupid promises I make I can't.
I know one of my best friends,hope,is only still here because of pity.
I want help,but im too scared to call out for help.
I'm sorry for being born....