Ohne Titel Teil5

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With every step that the unknown man came closer, Serena felt more and more unsure of this situation and she didn't know what to do at all. It was as if she knew why she was fearful right now, but on the other hand, she didn't want it to be true.

Having his hands in his pockets, the man walked slowly to the girl and the rodent.

Serena could feel how her heart started to race.

Ten feet in front of the girl, the unknown man stopped and it made Serena crazy that she couldn't read the man's expression. It was just too indifferent.

Holding Pikachu in her arms, the girl waited just for a response, no matter of which kind.

"Do you want something from me?" Serena asked after she couldn't bear this silence any longer.

The man looked to Pikachu, then to the girl again and apparently, he was thinking about something.

"It seems that those brats from Aquacorde town shot at your Pikachu with their air rifle," the man said casually, without any emotions.

Of course, Serena was confused, although she knew that something hit Pikachu on its belly. Being unsure, she just wanted to leave and the girl took some steps to the back. "Well, at least, Pikachu wasn't hurt by it and I'm on my way to a Pokémon centre anyway."

'No way that he's telling the truth,' she thought subconsciously.

"You shouldn't underestimate such a hit, girl," the man said. "You're lucky that I saw how it happened and I can also examine this Pokémon."

With every step that Serena took, the man took a step as well.

"I don't want to be disgraceful, but I don't think it's necessary." Serena responded, walking backwards.

Realizing that this strategy might not work, the orange-haired man stopped and thought silently about the different possibilities what the girl was thinking. It wasn't clear whether the girl knew his organization or not, but he wouldn't start with hasty violence.

"Are you satisfied with this world," he asked unexpectedly.

Being completely caught of guard, Serena stopped as well and she was confused what the man meant.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Serena asked carefully.

"You heard right! I want to know if you are satisfied with this world." The man repeated.

" ... why do you ask that?" Serena questioned.

"Can't you give me an answer?" The man put Serena under pressure.

" ... ... ... ... I like our world, although ..." Serena answered slowly.

When Serena said although, the man raised an eyebrow and apparently, he seemed to be sure about something, which confused Serena even more. Actually, there would have been hundred other ways to reach his goal, but the man just decided for this one.

"Apparently, he didn't tell you about us, but we can't take a risk." The man said coldly.

Shivering, Serena had a presentiment and she started to walk backwards again.

Suddenly, she bumped into something that stood behind her and Serena didn't even have the time to turn around when someone held a cloth in front of her mouth and nose. Immediately, her eyelids felt heavy and the girl became sleepy until she blacked out.


Ash laid unconscious on the road and the trainer couldn't be more helpless. Out of fear, he didn't want to involve anyone else into this chaos, but the more he tried to keep Serena out of it the more she became involved in his conflict with Team Flare.

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