Chapter 11

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Zara's P.O.V.

*Fast forward to 10 pm. 29 March.*

I and Emma enjoyed a lot. We enjoyed everyday. But extra that day for Emma since she saw her true love, Hardwell live for the first time today. I couldn't stop her from crying. She was crying non-stop the entire hour and rambling about how much she loved him and how she was so proud of him.

It hurts, sometimes, to see her in that state. Crying, rambling and being so sad.

Knowing that she's always just going to admire him and not actually experience everything she wants to, with him.

But maybe that is the thing about being a fan girl. You still keep on loving that person, knowing that you're just gonna get hurt in the end. (A/N: I'm sorry if I am wrong about any of this.)

Anyway, we were back to the hotel. I didn't understand why Nicky was doing so much for us. I didn't even have the time to think about it and I felt way to awkward to just ask him like, Hey, Nicky! Why are you doing all this for us?

Emma was taking a power nap. She was very tired from all the crying and all. I was laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Mind: blank. Half an hour later, Emma was awake now and getting ready for the party. I knocked on Nicky's door just to see what he was doing. He didn't open. Again.

Then I noticed that his door was very slightly ajar and I could easily peek through it.

I saw Nicky sitting on his bed, his iPhone in his hand, dressed up for the party and hair all messy.

He was wearing a grey T-shirt, denim jeans and a black coat and man was he looking hot. I had the strange urge to observe him for a long time but I didn't.

I just went back to our room and started getting ready. I don't know why, but when I had packed my bags, I had taken a LBD and a pair of silver stilettos with me. Coming in handy now.

I applied some makeup. Emma did something to my hair which made my hair look beautifully wavy. I am not much into makeup products and all that stuff. I don't even know, properly, how to put makeup on. It just makes me look fake. I just apply a little bit of eye makeup. Not everyday. Occasionally.

But Emma is my opposite. She applies makeup and it doesn't even look like she's applied it. She's much more beautiful than me and not just because of the beauty. She's very beautiful at heart too. The guy who gets her is going to be the luckiest person alive.

After half an hour, we both were ready and taking selfies when there was a knock on the door which abruptly ended our selfie-session.

Emma went and opened the door. Nicky, of course. I was still going through the selfies when he came inside.

"Hi" I said with a smile.

"Hi" he said.

When I looked at him, I noticed that he was checking me out. Actually, we both were checking each other out. He was wearing those clothes that I saw him in in his room. His hair were neatly combed now and I had to fight the urge to run my fingers through them.

Emma coughed loudly and we both looked down embarrassingly.

"Okay I think its time to leave?" she asked looking at Nicky.

"Um, yes. It is. Come on let's leave. The car is waiting for us."

We went down to see that a Maserati, a freaking Maserati waiting for us. I looked at it in awe and Nicky had to push me a little so that I would move.

Nicky took the keys from the driver. He opened the door for me and then sat in the driver's seat. What a gentleman.

After an hour or so, we reached the party and I swear, I'll never experience a better party in my whole life.

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