Chapter 14

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Nicky's P.O.V.

It just came out of my mouth. Not that I didn't want to offer but..still. I felt the need to. I....don't know what's happening with me. I want her around all the time. I've known her for barely two days and I'm already feeling this.

I don't even know what to call it. When I look into her eyes, I just want to keep staring in them because they're so beautiful. And the way she talks, its like she has no care in the world and it sounds so beautiful.

Just one thing. She's a little too shy.

"Hey. Where did you wander off?" Zara said, waving her hands in front of my face.

"Oh. Nothing. Okay so did you think about what I told you?" I asked her. Desperately wanting to hear a yes.

"Um, yes. I thought about it but I have to ask Emma" she said awkwardly scratching the back of her neck.

"That's okay because I'm sure she's going to say yes" I winked at her.

"Hmm. Okay now we seriously should go back. Its almost three" she told me.

"Sure" I said and got up. "Shall we?"

"I don't know what I should say to that but yes" she said and laughed and I joined in.


Zara's P.O.V.

We reached the club to see that Robbert and Emma were happily chatting and I was happy to see that.

We went to them and the both of them were so busy in their conversation that they didn't even notice me and Nicky.

"Emma. Its time to leave. The party's going to be over soon and I'm feeling very sleepy. So....yeah" I finished and she looked at me as though the was pleading with me to stay a little longer. I couldn't say no.

After that, I and Nicky just wandered around the club and he met with a few people.

While we were going across the dance floor to where Emma and Robbert were sitting, Nicky asked me if I'd like to dance. I said yes, of course.

We danced for a few minutes and then a song came which was perfect to dance to with your loved one.

He put his arms around my waist like no big deal and I awkwardly put my arms around his neck and we both swayed to the music. He looked so freaking beautiful up close. His blue eyes literally glistened as he talked to me. I wish I had the same eye colour.

It was a little awkward, I must admit but we chatted throughout the song.

"So, do you live with your parents?" Nicky asked me.

"Pfft. No. I moved out before two years on my eighteenth birthday." I replied.

"As in, right after your eighteenth birthday?" he asked curiously.

"Yep. Right after it" I said and smirked.

"Hmm. When did you and Emma become friends?" he asked.

"I don't really remember" I laughed. "We've been friends since diapers. Our parents knew each other and were far relatives."

For a few seconds we just looked in each other's eyes and it got very weird. Someone accidentally pushed Nicky slightly which caused him to almost kiss me since our faces were already so close to each other. It didn't happen though. The moment had to be disturbed anyway when Emma came to us and coughed awkwardly. That caused us both to untangle ourselves from each other and have some distance in between.

"Um, Zar its, like 4 am now. I think we should leave. Right Nicky?" she asked Nicky.

"Uh, yeah, right. Where is Robbert?" he asked her.

"There" she pointed towards the bar. He was talking to another DJ whom I couldn't notice because of the darkness there was near the bar.

Nicky went in the direction of the bar and me and Emma went outside the club.

"Hmm. So. How was everything with Mr. Hardwell?" I asked Emma coyly.

"More than amazing. He asked for my number too! We danced and ugh! I don't have words Zar!" she said and disappeared into her dream world where Hardwell was her boyfriend and everything was perfect.

I also had my own world like hers. Nobody knew about it except for Emma.

After a while, Nicky came out of the club and leaded us to the car.

He opened the door for me and I entered. I was in a kind of a daze I guess. I was thinking about random things and not paying attention to whatever was going on around me.

"Where are you?" Nicky snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Right here" I chuckled nervously.


In the car, I was thinking about how me and Emma would reach back to New York. None of us had sufficient money for our plane tickets. Only one of us could go. We had booked tickets back to New York for Wednesday. And now we had nowhere to stay. We don't even have so much money to stay in a nice hotel.

In all of my worrying, the best thing happened. I don't know why Nicky did this. Maybe he saw the worried expression on my face.

My hand was lying next to me on my seat and Nicky had taken advantage of it and intertwined our fingers. That felt so good. It was like he wanted to say 'I understand' or 'Don't worry'. I don't know but at that moment, amidst all my worries, there was another worry for me - how was I supposed to hide the smile that was forming on my lips?

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