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I wake up to sleeping Katsuki, I sit admire his face for a few seconds before I place my hand on his cheek and pat his face lightly to wake him up.

"Katsuki come on, wake up. It's time for school."

Hu grumbles a few words before pulling me back down and snuggling his face into my neck. I wriggle out of his grip and leave the room.


I hear a groan from across the apartment.

He's up.

We get ready but not in the usual silence. Katsuki and me kept play fighting through the house. I turn the corner cautiously but before I knew it I was thrown over his shoulder. He grabs our bags and heads out the door.

When he walks out of the elevator people were starring but we didn't care. When we were a few blocks away from the building he puts me down and instead grabs my hand. I feel my face heat up and a cough threatening to come out.

"W-why are we holding hands?"

"What do you mean we usually hold hands."

"oh yeah right."

My voice was nearly a whisper.

When we enter the gates to the school I let go of Katsukis hand. He looks at me.

"What's wrong."

"Nothing. I just have to speak to Aizawa before class starts."


He walks off in the direction of the canteen. I walk into the classroom to find no Aizawa. I head to the staff room and knock on the door. To my surprise All-might stands there.

"What can I help you with (y/n)?"

"Oh, um I need to speak to Sensei Aizawa please. Its an emergency."

"Ok. Please, come in."

I walk in and sure enough see Aizawa in his sleeping bag. I bend down to poke him.

"Um Sensei?"


"Um I have an import issue to discuss with you."

"Okay, go."

"Um, if you dont mind I'd like a more private area."

He groans but complies. We walk down the hall to an empty class room.

"Well I'm sure you want to know why I've been missing class these days."

"Yes, go on."

"I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and he told me that I have hanahaki."

Suddenly Aizawa goes from a half-asleep state to wide awake.

"(y/n) Im so sorry."

I couldnt help but to let some tears fall from the way he reacted.

"I-t's ok. I know who-"


I look at him shocked, he seemed genuinely concerned.

"Um it might be silly but it's actually Bakugou."

He sighs.

"Oh god (y/n). I'm so sorry. How can that bastard not see what's right in front of him."

"Hehe it's ok. But Ive decided to just live with it, I'd rather die in love than forget about someone who means so much to me."

"And does he know or anyone?"

"No. what difference would it make? You cant make someone fall in love with you. And my last days will be memories of him feeling guilty and being nice to me out of pity. I just want it to be normal."

"So how long have you got?"

Now I can't help but to let the tears fall.

"Um actually I have 3 weeks."

His eyes go wide.

"Yeah the doctor said that it's developing at a faster pace than usual."

He envelopes me in a fatherly hug, one that I havent experienced since I was 3.

"(y/n) Tell me if you ever need anything and you're always welcome to come to mine if things get to hard with Bakugou. Keep me updated ok."

I let more tears fall as I nod into his chest. He pats my back in a comforting manner as I calm down. We go to walk back through the door a large man falls through. It was All-might, he gets himself in a flustered manner.

"I'm sorry (y/n) but I couldnt help to worry about one of my students." He avoids eye contact.

"It's okay I was gonna tell you next anyway."

He envelopes me in a hug as well. Before parting he whispers in my ear,

"If you ever need me too give him a good beating just call for me."

I laugh at his comment but nod anyway. After I go back I run to Katsuki who was near the entrance with Kirishima.

I cling onto Katsuki's arm, talking to the teachers made this disease more real to me than it already was. I dont care if I seem desperate but Im going to cling to Katsuki as much as possible. Kirishima sneaks me a look that said 'have you told him yet?' I shake my head. He looks gives me a worried look but doesnt say anything. The bell rings and I walk into class. Katsuki ruffles my hair and says.

"Why are you being so weird today?" I just shrug him off before sitting in my seat.

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