How we see it

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Avans POV

It all started a few weeks ago when me and Liz had to do a kissing scene and when I leant in she flinched, I didn't understand why she did this as we have had to kiss more than once and it's just seemed normal now. Liz has changed a lot lately always wearing long-sleeved tops, never really coming out with the cast and just being really quiet which isn't normal for Liz at all she's usually the loud one and always making jokes. This is just a completely different Liz.

Ariana's POV

Liz has been acting real strange for the past few weeks, she barely talks to anyone which definitely isn't right Liz and I are always on the phone talking and chatting with the rest of the cast, but for some reason she hasn't participated in any of this for a while. I am starting to get really worried as I think I might be loosing my best friend, but not in the way you think I feel like she's there but she isn't her head is always down and when she walks anywhere she looks lost. I just don't know what to do.

Leon's POV

I don't know what's been up with Liz recently she ain't been acting herself at all. I don't think it's any of my business to get involved but I heard her crying the other day in her dressing room it sounded like she was on the phone but I'm not completely sure. I hope we get the Liz we all know and love back soon as I'm starting to think if it goes on the way it is now we could loose her.

Danielle's POV

I've never seen Liz act like this before it's as if she's stuck in character but definitely not Jade, more as someone whose loosing the sense of life. It worries me to see her like this because we don't know what's going on and we have no way of helping her. It's like she's stuck in a deep sea of depression. It just isn't right.

Matts POV

Liz has been acting weird for so long now it sickens me to think that something really is wrong with her and is really troubling her. Me and Liz are always making crazy videos and making everyone else laugh but this hasn't happened in weeks. I don't know if she just isn't happy with herself right now or someone is making her like this, I really wanna find out though so we can help her. I want the old Liz back.

Victorias POV

I don't know what's going on, but Liz hasn't been herself in ages I wonder what has happened because one day shes all smiles and laughs then the next she's..... basically it looks like she's depressed. We can't talk to her anymore we all feel so distant and helpless. If I could I would pull her out of what ever it's is she's in I would because I just want the funny, loud Liz back.

Liz's POV

No one knows what's happening and I don't want them to know, I'm perfectly fine being me and I don't need anyone else getting in the way of that. I wish people would stop assuming things because I am the only one who knows what I'm doing and that's how I want it to be!

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