An angel now

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Avans POV

So today is the day I guess I better say my goodbyes, of course I'm not gonna tell the cast that Jacobs going to kill me that will just make them worry.

"Bye guys I've gotta go take Liz to her house to grab some clean clothes" I waved at everyone and then left taking Liz's hand

"Avan please don't go let him take me please you are so special and you deserve to have an amazing life!" She pleaded in tears

"Liz it's for the best" I told her as we drove to the abandoned train station, "promise me you will move on and not stay alone please I will hate myself forever if you do that!"

"Avan I....." She couldn't tears streamed down her face I held her as she cried more and more, ugh I hated this but I had to I could not let Liz and the cast down

"AHHH your here right on time.... Time to say goodbye" Jacob smirked evilly as we got out of the car

"Liz I love you so much forever and always you are my only love please don't get upset this all for the best I promise you my life has been perfect since I met you and even though it's been short I have loved every minute" I teared up and pulled her into a kiss.

"Avan you are my life I can't promise you I will move on I'm sorry, I love you more than anything. I always thought we would grow up get married and have kids then grow old together. Now this won't happen and it's my fault I'm so sorry I love you so much" Liz cried into my chest this really hurt

"It's never gonna be your fault, I love you goodbye my love" a tear rolled down my cheek

"Awww how sweet now Liz move!" Jacob said sarcastically before Liz moved out of the way in tears.

Liz's POV

Why why did it have to be Avan why!!!! Couldn't of he just killed me! This was killing me inside I felt like my heart was about to explode!!! I look back at Avan only to see Jacob holding a gun to his head! That was it I couldn't take it I ran in front of Avan.

"No Jacob don't please I will do whatever you ask don't please leave Avan out of this!" I cried begging him

"Liz move or I will shoot you too!" He threatened I just looked at him tears spilling from my eyes

"I can't do this just go!" Jacob shouted and put the gun down. Once he put down the gun I let out a sigh of relief.

Avans POV

I stood up turned to Jacob and punched him in the face just like he'd done to Liz and all my friends, he punched me back of course I was expecting it, but when he picked the gun back up I have to be honest I shit one. I looked around for Liz I couldn't see her all I could see was dust I moved back then suddenly Jacob shot, but it didn't hit me.

"AHHHH!!!" I heard Liz scream, I turned around to see her lying in a pool of blood. My heart hurt so much, this was my fault why did I move I should of stayed where I was omg! I picked her up gently laid her in the back seat of the car and drove her to the hospital once we got there I took her inside and immediately doctors came rushing over taking her away from me. I sat in the waiting room just praying that she would be ok.

It has been two hours and nothing I hadn't been told if she was going to wake up and I hadn't been told how she was, my heart was racing. Finally a small blonde nurse came over to me.

"Please tell me she's ok!" I cried unable to contain my tears any longer

"She was shot in the stomach, she lost a lot of blood and her heart rate has dropped, she's now on life support but she hasn't woken up if she doesn't wake up by the end of the week we will have to turn off the machine. I'm so sorry" the nurse said sympathetically

"Be honest with me please do you think she's going to wake up?" I whimpered through tears

"I'm sorry but the way things are going it doesn't look like she's going to make it" she said honestly placing a hand on my shoulder before leaving. No no I can't loose her no!!! Why did it have to be Liz why couldn't it of been me!


It has now been 3 days since the stabbing and Liz still hadn't woken up the doctors are giving her one last day. They are now finally going to let me see her! I ran in the room and as soon as I caught a glimpse of her tears flooded my eyes, she was a kind of grey colour and looked so weak and small. I took the chair next to her and immediately held her hand.

"Please babe please don't leave me. It's all my fault I shouldn't have moved from where I was standing then he would of shot me not you. All you have had so far these last few months is shit and I've made everything worse, hate me forever I will understand just please don't give up on your life wake please! I need you!" I said before my tears took over, I did this all day long just praying she will wake up.

Night time came my heart was in my stomach as the doctor talked about how tomorrow in the afternoon the machine will be turned off, how I should say goodbye and how I need to get some rest and look after myself.

"HOW CAN I LOOK AFTER MYSELF WHEN THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN THE WORLD TO ME IS DYING AND I CANT TO NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!!!" I cried into my hands. I eventually cried myself to sleep still holding Liz's hand.

Liz's POV

It's almost time for them to turn off my machine, but the doctors don't understand that I can hear everything they've said. Wait does that mean I'm already dead? Anyway Avan is beating himself up that it was his fault that bullet shot me, it wasn't that bullet was meant to hit me. All I want to do right now it tell him this and kiss his soft lips to let him know everything's ok, but I can't do that because he thinks I'm gone.

Avans POV

I was awoken by that little blonde nurse she held a plate in her hand offering me something to eat, I refused and she gave me a worried look as I hadn't eaten in almost a week. How could I when Liz is lying here helplessly and it's my fault?

"Excuse me Avan I'm sorry, but it's time to say goodbye. I thought I would tell you now the machine is getting turned off in 20 minutes" the doctor say sympathetically, tears just rolled down my cheeks as I nodded then they left the room to leave me and Liz alone.

"Babe your the best things that's ever happened to me and even though I'm saying goodbye I still believe that your going to wake up and laugh at me for crying. I don't want you to do anything for me ok so if your trying to hold on please don't hurt yourself more than I already have if you don't think you can hold on let go I will understand. You will always be mine no other will ever be able to replace you. I was going to ask you to marry me, that night by the pool, but everyone interrupted and it ruined the moment. Babe your free now free from Jacob free from pain. I love you so much I will for all eternity. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, I thank you for our little infinity" I kissed her lips one last time then sat there holding her hand just praying with everything that I had that she would wake up and I wouldn't have to say goodbye, but as each minute past a little bit of hope died inside me.

15-10-5 she had only 5 minutes left just to open an eye or tighten the grasp on my hand, but I didn't happen she was about to be gone forever, I wish I could do something that would wake her up, but I can't I just have to sit here like the awful person I am and watch my everything be taken away.

"I love you so much babe we will have a bigger infinity I promise" I cried as they tuned off the life support machine. I just froze her hand in mine tears I was not able to control streaming down my cheeks. They read out the time of death 12:30am. That was it nothing I could do would bring her back. What would I tell the others how would I tell them what about her family. OMG how do I do this.

"Baby your an angel now you finally have your wings, unfortunately god needed you so he took your life earlier than expected. Remember how much I love you and I promise we will see each other again soon" I cried

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