Theres still hope

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Avans POV

Something was happening something was wrong, I don't really know but whatever had happened was that serious that I was told to leave the room. My heart was barely beating, I couldn't concentrate all I could think about was the doctor reading out her time of death, that moment when my world came apart, that moment when I knew I would never be able to hear her voice in person again and that moment when I knew that one day soon I would just let everything go and say goodbye just like Liz did so I could be with her.

Every minute there were doctors running in and out of the room, this only made me panic more, she was gone and something was still happening to her she was still in pain! This made me feel more horrible I just couldn't take it. I broke down and I don't think I will ever be able to get my self up again. I debated whether to text Leon, but decided against it as I just wanted to be alone and I didn't want to have to explain all this. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder I turn so see an old lady staring at me.

"Hi sorry can I help you?" I ask trying to compose myself

"Don't cry she will be ok" the lady whispered in a calming voice

"She's gone I can't get her back all I can do is cry" I sobbed as the elderly women looked at me

"She's ok you will see her soon" the women's voice seemed to fade and as I went to look at her I realised she had disappeared. What is going on?

It had been an hour since that lady arrived and I can't seem to get those words out of my head 'you will see her soon' how will I see her soon she's gone I can't get her back, this is all too much for me to handle right now I just lost the love of my life.

"Excuse me are you Avan Jogia?" A doctor asked me frantically

"Yes what's happened!?!" I asked worried

"Come with me please" she ordered out of breath, I just did as told and followed her to Liz's room.

Doctors were everywhere I've never seen anything like it... Well except for the episode of Friends where Ross has something strange on his butt.... Anyway I could hear beeping coming from every direction then suddenly one noise that made all the other noises silent filled the room it was the sound of a heart beat Liz's heart beat.

"Ahh Avan we don't really know how to say this but Liz is alive her heart is now beating without the machine it's a miracle!" The doctor said in amazement. I ran to her side and took her hand.

"Babe come on I know you can do this just squeeze my hand to let me know you can hear me please" I kissed her hand and as if my magic her grasp tightened, "Liz yes that it go on do it again I know you can" this time it was her hand that told us she was alive it was her eyes. "Liz!" I cried letting all of my tears fall as I knew they were happy ones.

"Avan" she said faintly "stop crying" she laughed weakly but happily like nothing had happened

"I love you" I smiled hearing her talk

"I love you too" I just knew it now I could have her and protect her and no one will even dare come between us after what we have been through. She's my life now I have her back.

"We will leave you two alone" the doctors said then left

"Avan I-I heard what you said" she said stronger this time

"What did you hear?" I was a little worried when she said that

"About how you say it's your fault when it's not and how I was an angel and how we would see each other again soon" she smiled at me "and how you said you were going to ask me to marry you" she said quietly and sighed wondering what she thought about it.

"Marriage is well...." I was interrupted with a kiss she pulled me over her and we were making out I pulled away when I seen her grimace in pain obviously because of the scar.

"Of course I will marry you" she smiled looking into my eyes. I pulled out a black velvet box which contained a diamond ring and slowly pushed the ring onto her finger.

"It's beautiful Avan" she said wiping a tear away from her cheek

"Just like you"

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