Chapter 8

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The sun was warm against my face. I woke up on a balcony, the one the Colonel had watched the District Attorney from. How many statues did I need to find?

I went back into the house, ears trained for Dark's shrill tone. The floor creaked beneath my feet. For some reason, a post from online popped into my head, and I let my jaw go a little slack to breath quieter through my mouth. Every little bit helps, I guess.

I started to recognize the area around me. Mark's series had come this way during the third chapter.

The Seance Room.

Of fucking course. I took a deep breath and opened the door. It still looked as though the seer had gone into the darkness.

In the center of the table was a doll.

A plush figure that looked like Dark, red and blue lights shifting this way and that from its black and white form. I crept closer.

The shrill noise entered my mind.

Without thinking, I grabbed at the doll. My hand wrapped around the red light. I shrieked in pain as it burned, pulling back empty-handed. The shrill got louder. I didn't have time to waste. I grabbed at it again, fingers wrapping around the blue light. Cold, too cold to grasp, but I bit back my pain and pulled.

The door flew open.

Dark let out an aggravated yell.

I was sent flying to the side as an arm bathed in red light crashed into me. I scrambled away and pinned myself against the far wall. Dark's form flickered violently, the blue lights of his aura shattered and fading. The item in my hand no longer felt cold. His face started to shift, transforming to a hideous mixture of Mark's and some woman's face.

Celine's face.

He yelled at me, his voice cracking. I tried to move out of his way, reached for the other half of the doll on the table. My hand burned as it wrapped around.

I let out a scream as red light shot through my chest. I collapsed to the ground and brought the doll with me.


I whimpered in pain.

Oh thank fuck. Please, you gotta come to.

I tried to open my eyes. Instead, a blurry image started to form in front of me. It looked like I was running, but my body wasn't moving.

... No. I wasn't running. Mark was.

"C'mon! 's just a knife, so what if it kills ya a little!?"

Warfstache's voice rang out around us. I tried to say something, but I couldn't form words. Mark ran around a rock.

Right into Warfstache.


As he tried to turn around, the pink mustached man swang. I felt a sharp pain enter my leg and I woke with a scream. I was beneath the table, silence in the mansion. The dolls were still in my hands.

I crawled out from my spot to see the room left in shambles. Red and blue lights flickered on the edge of my vision. In my hands were two dolls – One of Damien. One of Celine. Something told me I only had one left to find.

I had to find William's.

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