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Jin's POV

Jin: so what is this? Huh?

Nayeon: hey.. babe... It's not true..

Jin: not true!?

Nayeon: please believe me..

Jin: enough nayeon!...

???: Appa! *Crying*

Seeing Jinayeon cry it hurts...

Nayeon: Jinayeon!!

Jinayeon: Appa! Don't her Mommy! I thought you were good!

Nayeon: ahhh Jinayeon!!!

Jinayeon: Mom! Stop crying...

Jin: Go to your room!

Jinayeon: No Appa!

Jin: GO TO YOUR ROOM!!! *Throw's the vace"*

Nayeon: Jin!

Jin: Fuck nayeon! I was so blind! You and sowon are same!

Nayeon: don't compare me to Sowon! We're is she when you need her? We're is she!? I'm there!? When you need her!...


Nayeon: Bullshit Jin! What do you want me to do?

Jin: Nothing! Just Tell your daughter that she's not my daughter! And tell her! Her mom is a SLUT!

Im so red right now... My anger.. really ugh!! I thought she was for me..

I was wrong not listening at Jihyo...

Nayeon's POV

Ugh!!!! That Jihyo and taehyung!! My revenge is coming for you two!!

Jinayeon: Mommy! Is that true?

Nayeon: No sweatHeart your Kim seokjin's child..

Jinayeon: Yes Mommy I am..

Nayeon: that's my girl...

Jihyo! Ready to hide big eyes.. I will kill you!!...

Namjoon's Pov

Namjoon: Babe...

Jihyo: Babe.. I need to leave Seoul...

Namjoon: where are you going?

Jihyo: I don't know too

Namjoon: I'll come with you.

Jihyo: what?? Where are we going?

Namjoon: let's go to Canada..

Jihyo: Now?

Namjoon: yes..

Jihyo: how about your company?

Namjoon: I don't care about the company, I love you remember?..

Jihyo: Let's go?..

Namjoon: I need to write a letter to mom and dad..

Jihyo: okay, here paper..

Namjoon: ty


     Mom dad, I'm going to Canada with my girlfriend.. I know you don't know her yet but.. we really need to go.. maybe we'll stay there for years... I love you..

                                             - namjoon

Namjoon: let's go..

S-coups Pov

1 week past..

Me and sowon is on the way to fetch sojin in school..

Sowon: Sojin!!

Sojin: Mommy!!!

S-coups: only Mommy?

Sojin: Daddy!!!

S-coups: I love you baby...

Sojin: I love you too dad..

Aww even tho she's not my real daughter.. I love her like my real daughter..

Now we're on the pedestrian line..

Sowon: sojin don't run! There's a car!

Sowon: SOJIN!!!!

I chased sojin then I realized that I was on the floor.. and I can send blood.. my blood...

Sowon: S-COUPS!!!!

Is it my time?

Sowon: Please s-coups fight!

Sowon: please! Please! *Crying*

Sojin: daddy!! Please...

S-coups: Sowon Thankyou, I love you. Stay with jin... Fight for him  *touches sowon's cheek*

And everything turns black...

Sowon's POV

No! No! No!!!!!

Sowon: S-COUPS!!!!!!!

Sowon: I love you too so much... *Kisses s-coups temple*


Doctor: I'm sorry ma'am but he didn't make it..

Sowon: No! No! Please! No!!!!!

I cried and cried until my friends came..

Eunha: Sowon-unnie!!! How's s-coups oppa?

Sowon: *sobs* he's de-dead

Yerin: I'm so sorry unnie...

Yuju: Were so sorry unnie..

Sowon: Take sojin at your house first..

Yuju: o-okay

Many hours past I'm inside of the room.. we're s-coups was covered with a white cloth..

Sowon: Babe... Why did you left me?

Sowon: Answer me...

*Sowon's starts crying*

Sowon: I love you so much... And that's forever...

Sowon: Babe please...

???: S-sowon?

Sowon: Jin?

Jin: Im sorry...

Sowon: Don't say sorry, you didn't kill him

Jin: can we go outside?

Sowon: okay...

Jin: I'm so sorry sowon.. He's really a good man..

Sowon: he really is...

*Jin hugs sowon*

Jin: cry I know you need this...

I miss this so much...

I cried at jin's shoulder..

S-coups I know That your in good hands right now.. I miss you already I love you so much..

And I realized that.. I slept..


Huhuhuhuhu I cried while making the lines of s-coups and Sowon. I can't believe I kill s-coups my bias.. it break's my heart.... Huhuhuhuhu kill me!!.. ANYWAYS Keep voting!!!! Guyssss!!!! Time check 2:40 am goodnight 😍😭

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