Chapter 22

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Hey everyone here's an update and I have some news. i put an author's note to my Milan Lucic story, so please read and comment. I finished this story and I'm trying to update before I have to leave. For a week I'm gunna be at a prep camp for another camp later in August. The worst part is I'll be at camp on my birthday :( So i won't obviously uploading during that time.

I was wondering if you wanted me to upload my Kaner story or Harry Styles story first and I'm working on my Keith Harkin story.

This story is dedicated to theoldtriangle44 because she just found out about my story and commented on it.

Chapter 22

Tyler and I have been in Brampton for two weeks now. For those two weeks I’ve only been allowed to eat and sleep. Jackie wouldn’t let me do any physical labor telling me I needed to rest. I have actually started showing. I guess being five months I’m small but my doctors tell me not worry.

“Hey guys.” I said walking down the stairs

“Hey how are you feeling?” Jackie asked

“Great lots of energy but hungry.” I answered

“Well you are eating for two, now.” Cassidy said looking up from her summer reading book

“I guess you’re right.” I replied eating some eggs Jackie placed in front of me

“Cassidy do you want to go shopping with Addi and I today?” Jackie asked her youngest child

“Yeah.” She replied running up the stairs to get changed

“She is so happy she’s becoming an aunt that’s all she could talk about last night.” Jackie gushed

“I’m glad to hear that. Tyler and I were talking about how we wouldn’t get him back if we let her and Candace babysit.” I told her

“I will guarantee that will happen.” She replied setting a plate of fruit in front of me

“Do I need to eat this much?” I asked

“Yes you need to get as much nutrients as you can get. The baby is taking its nutrients from you and we need you alive so I can have my grandbaby.” Jackie said

“Glad to know he’s the only reason you keep me around.” I joked

“I’m glad you figured it out.” She laughed

“Where’s the father’s?” I asked

“Tyler went to see Tyler and Paul took Candace to look at cars. So they’ll be gone all day.” She answered

“Yeah and is he gunna tell Tyler about you know?” I asked

“Yeah he needs to tell his best friend.” She answered

“I know but ….” I began to say

“Don’t worry he won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Jackie cut me off

“I know I’m gunna go get changed for our day of shopping.” I told Jackie climbing up the stairs

I walked into Tyler’s old room and changed out of my sweats. I pulled on a pair of maternity short shorts. Yes they actually make maternity shorts I guess with more girls like me getting pregnant at young ages. I threw on a gray, three quarter inch sleeves; I put on a pair of black gladiator sandals. I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

“You ready to go?” Jackie asked

“Yeah.” I replied

We walked into the garage to see the newly bought Range Rover Tyler bought for his family. We piled into the car and drove to the mall. I got out and Cassidy linked arms with me. We walked until we found a baby store and I started looking at everything I needed.

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