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I just want to believe that people actually went to space,

its cool y'know. 

ps: keep the discussion till the end

Okay well its been about 4 decades since Neil Armstrong went to the moon and well people dont think its true. People say the the US was desperate to beat the Russians in the"space race" and that they staged everything. Theorist say that the film maker "Stanley Kubrick" may have helped stage the first lunar landing with NASA and got paid a whole lotta dough. You're probably saying "but it looked real" well yes back then they did have realistic space sets for them to use. Judging by one of Stanleys films made in 1968 called "2001: a space odyssey."  

There was also three astronauts who apparently died in a fire while testing for equipments for the first lunar mission.

Virgil I. Grissom

Edward h. White

Roger.B Chaffee 

People say that they were killed by the us government because they were scared that they'll disclose any information to the public.

The top officials of the Chinese space program have came out and said that the US space mission was a hoax because their Chinese lunar rover found no evidence of their landings, like the flag for an example.

now lets divide this into two sections

If you did step on the moon and placed flag there, how would it disappear? we have a question here! maybe there is life on the moon. Maybe someone took it or maybe they never went.

Another evidence found and that really had me shocked was this picture

Another evidence found and that really had me shocked was this picture

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Look closely........ find anything. Look again.

See the space suit is the suit that Neil Armstrong wore when he went to the moon, 

Its in the National Air and Space museum located in Washington DC.

Look at the bottom of the shoe and then look at the foot print that was on the moon.....


Have you seen the actual footage, if you haven't stop and go watch it. When Neil puts the flag down, the flag starts waving. How can the flag wave if there is no wind in space? 


I mean everything I said can always have its own contradictions.


331 words,

love y'all

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