chapter ° 3

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As I see what I have done I soon enough feel nothing but guilt

Embarrassment, flod over my body
I needed too just take a shower get ready and leave

Thats all

But why am I taking so long too

I get up form where I was and looked at myself in the mirror red teary eyed I look at the blood running down my thigh

I roll bown my sweats and carefully pull them off

I take the rest of my clothing off
And look one more time at myself


All I could see
All I could think about

I get all my things together and walk into the shower

As soon as I close the glass door I start to cry

Salty tears and water run down my face into the drain clidding with blood

I can't see but I managed too take my shower in only a few minutes

I get out and dry myself off
I rap my towel around me, I unlock my door
And turn off the light

I stagger into my room because my stomach still kind of hurt

I lock my bedroom door,i head too my desk and grab my cloths I picked out for today

A white shirt with jeans and a yellow Anti-social social clud jumper

I put on my clothes and grad my white Nikes

I gather a pair of socks and put on my shoes

I open up my empty closet
This closet has alot of memories

I hid in here when he was angry at me

And tried to hurt me that day but after that he found me and broke my arm

I took the suitcase I filled with all my clothes,essentials,and,shoes.

I cleaned my room and made my bed before I went to the door unlocked it and never look back at this horrible room

I walked towards the stairs before hearing a door open

I began too run I did not want too see him
Ever again in my life

I head out the door slamming it behind me

When I run I began too cry
I am so happy
This is it I don't need too be here with him anymore

I get a education, graduate form the college of my dreams and work without being judged on it

I run passed the park i us to go too when I wanted to get away

The Restaurant my mother worked at I remeber the tan color side of the building

I reached the end of the side walk
Into the intersection

I stop and look across the street
The bus stop

I run across towards the bench I sit down on the sitting waiting for the bus

This is it you will be happy you will be someone

Hello thanks you for reading if you do...💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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