Part 2

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"Stay away from him, okay?"

Your eyebrows drew together in confusion at her tone suddenly becoming bitter, "Wait, why?" You question. "He seems like a nice guy," you say in defense of Peter.

MJ opened her book back up and stared at the words written on the page before looking back up at you, "Just trust me. He's not as nice as he looks," MJ said before turning her attention back to her book.

You decided not to push about the topic despite your growing curiosity about MJs knowledge about Peter. You both sat quietly for half of lunch, an awkward silence hanging between the two of you. Thankfully the silence was broken when a boy came to the table and sat across from you and MJ.

"It's our first day back and my English teacher already assigns an ess-" The boy began, stopping himself short when he saw your unfamiliar face. "Who's this?" He asked MJ without a second thought.

MJ looked up at him before looking at you and introducing you, "This Y/N, she's new here."

The boy gave you bright smile, "Nice to meet you, I'm Ned." He said, setting his backpack down.

You returned the kind gesture before asking him what classes he had. You two were able to strike up a conversation that flowed easily, both sharing common interests.

Once lunch ended, you said your goodbyes to your newly made friends, letting them know that you'll see them tomorrow.

You crossed your arms over your chest, holding onto the straps of your bookbag as you left the school. The second you left the building you knew you had screwed up, seeing that everything around you was unfamiliar.

You sighed in frustration, knowing that the doors would be locked and you could get back in to fix your mistake. Deciding not to complain, you began walking aimlessly along the sidewalk, your eyes scanning your surroundings in search of some familiarity.

As you rounded the corner of the building, you spotted the brown-haired boy, a hand quickly running through his hair as he fished for keys out of his jean pockets.

You thought he hadn't noticed you but you were surprised when you saw him walking towards you, a small smile planted on his lips.

"You going home?" Peter asked once he neared you.

You nodded, part of you trying to listen to what MJ had said. She knows more than you, just listen to her, you thought to yourself, knowing that MJ probably had a valid reason as to why she didn't want you talking to him.

"Where do you live?" He asked, his arms crossing over his chest casually. "I could drive you home if you want," Peter offered, cocking his head a bit as he awaited a response from you.

You tried so hard to so no, hearing MJ in the back of your head as you blankly stared at the boy, "I can take the train, thank you though," You said, giving him a kind smile as you began to walk past him.

Peter was quick to stop you though, softly grabbing your wrist when you were right next to him, "C'mon, I know how much the train sucks," He whispered, his fingers grazing yours.

You felt your cheeks burn slightly at the light contact between the two of you. "We can work on the chemistry project," Peter added, his gaze never leaving yours.

"Sure," You gave in, kicking yourself inside for giving into him.

Peter grinned from ear to ear, letting go of your hand and leading you towards his car, "I can take that for you," Peter said, offering to take my bookbag as we neared the car. You slipped your bookbag off your shoulders and gave it to Peter, who put it in the back seat along with his bookbag. As you opened the passenger's side door, you looked up to hear someone calling Peter's name.

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