Tessa Gray

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"You know," said Alec," I think we could really use a spell to help us sort through all these papers."

Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Alec, and Simon were sitting in the Institute library sorting through huge piles of paper. They had been there for at least two hours and everyone was getting tired.

"Oh please, we all know you just want a chance to see Magnus, Alec. You can just admit it." Said Isabelle. "You don't need an excuse to visit him."

"As much as I agree with you, Izzy, he's right. This is taking us forever!" sighed Jace.

"Whatever. Let's go." Said Isabelle

They gathered their books and went to visit Magnus Bane.

Together, Isabelle, Alec, Clary, Jace, and Simon walked up the stairs to Magnus' apartment. The stairs were littered with party cups, streamers, and confetti. Obviously, Magnus had just thrown one of his infamous parties.

Alec reached the apartment first and opened the door. He had stopped knocking when Magnus had told him he should just come in and out as if it were his own house. The sight that met his eyes when he opened the door filled him with jealousy and a feeling of betrayal so strong he stopped dead.

Isabelle pushed past him with annoyance and then stopped when she took in the scene before her.

Magnus had his arms wrapped around a pretty girl with long dark brown hair and wide gray eyes. Magnus pulled away from the hug and then noticed the shadowhunters at the door.

"Alec," Magnus exclaimed," I wasn't expecting you I thought you were busy today!"

"Obviously," Alec muttered. "Is this another one of your friends?" said Alec, bitterly.

"Now, now, Alec," said Magnus, "This really isn't what it looks like. This is an old friend of mine Theresa Gray. " Turning to Tessa, he said,"Or do you go by Herondale now?"

"Gray," the girl said," you know how I feel about that." A pained look crossed Tessa's face.

"Sorry, but did you say Herondale?" said Jace.

"Yes. why?" said Tessa

"Because I'm a Herondale."

"Oh," Tessa looked very saddened by this, "it's been a while since I met one of my descendants" she said in a shocked voice.

"If you don't mind me saying you don't look a day over 20. How can you be my ancestor?" questionede Jace.

"I'm a special warlock able to bare children. I married a Herondale. You are a lot like him." answered Tessa.

"Wow, I thought all my relatives were dead. I'm so happy to have met you." Said Jace sounding stunned.

"I am happy to have met you also, but now I must go I have an appointment in London." Said Tesaa. "Magnus would you make me a portal?"

"Is it that time of year again?" said Magnus.

"Yes." responded Tessa. "To Blackfriars Bridge please."

Magnus created a portal spell and a swirling vortex appeared in mid air. Before anyone could do anything they were all sucked in.

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