Chapter 1

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"What have we got?" Detective Brooke Riley stared expectantly at the officer infront of her, coffee in hand. Her partner, Detective John Bishop was at her side, also with a warm beverage, but this time tea - they had stopped at starbucks on the way.

"Woman, early 30's, Caucasian, throat slit in two different places. She was found on the corner here by a man on his way to the shops," The uniform replied, and Riley nodded and raised the yellow tape, letting herself and Bishop in.

Brooke Riley was a young, but tough woman. After leaving the army, she had been working in homicide since the age of 27, and now 3 years later, she was one of Brooklyn's finest. She was short, with tanned skin and piercing blue eyes. Her hair was tied back in it's usual ponytail, and if you listened closely to her accent, you would realise she was half Iranian - she could speak multiple languages.

Pushing past the man that presumably found the body talking to two other cops, they approached the street corner. The victim was lying in a starfish shape by the lampost, dried blood down her chest and neck. Riley's stomach twisted at the sight. Even 3 years later, dead bodies were still a very unwelcome sight. Various yellow numbered cones were positioned around the body, marking possible evidence. The medical examiner Dr. Darren Alexander was crouched next to her, examining the wound.

"She's been cut in the right external carotid and the left common carotid," He remarked, as both Riley and Bishop snapped on plastic gloves. Carotids were major arteries in the neck. It wasn't often two were slit, though. The doctor continued various remarks about the woman.
At least 120 pounds, probably bled out, seems to have been dead for hours.

"Post-mortem bruising suggests she was moved," He finished.

"So she wasn't killed here?" She frowned.

"I would say so," Dr Alexander continued poking at her throat. "There're no blood splatters anywhere around her - a wound like this would spray,"

Riley's stomach again twisted - the poor girl probably watched herself bleed out.

"Who on earth would do something like this?" She asked no one in particular, and continued to stare at the woman's pale face. Where had she come from? What was the last thing she had seen?

She was wearing a white blouse, black trousers and no shoes - all most likely cheap. This part of Brooklyn wasn't the wealthiest, with a spiking crime rate. Her blonde hair was splayed out around her head, dried blood darkening patches of it. Suddenly something caught Rileys eye - what was that glinting in the sunlight, covered by her hair?

Her gloved hand reaching over, pushing strands aside, she revealed a thin sharp scalpel, blood on the blade. She held it up. "This our weapon?"

"It does look consistent with the wounds, though of course an autopsy will decide that," The doctor said, while Bishop was still uncertain.

"That makes no sense. Why would a killer move the body, only to leave the weapon with it?"

"I don't know," Riley said dismissively, and then turned to a uniform nearby, "Hey, get this tested and put in evidence," The officer nodded, and sliding into an evidence bag walked off.

"Send us the autopsy report as soon as it's done - make this your priority case," Bishop said to Dr. Alexander as they both stood up to leave, "Let's get this guy off the streets before he can do any worse,"


The 4th precinct was buzzing with noise that morning - The homicide unit in particular. Everyone was discussing the new murder - exchanging theories and constantly asking Riley if she had anything new. She didn't of course - it was 9 am and she had barley arrived two hours ago. She was currently taping crime scene photos to the glass board and writing up the details of the case so far. She and Bishop had been patiently waiting for any news for what felt like forever now.

Suddenly the phone rang and they both scrambled to snatch it up. Bishop managed to answer it, and held it up to his ear as Riley glared at him.

They had been partners for nearly 3 years now, and had known each other since working in the drug unit. They had solved many cases together, and even enjoyed each others company. She smiled at the memories as Bishop continued talk into the phone. Seconds later he put it down.

"The victim has been identified. Her name's Kelly Swayers, age 32 and currently unemployed. No known boyfriend yet. The autopsy has confirmed she was cut with a scalpel and was moved to the crime scene after she bled out,"

"I still don't get why the killer would leave the weapon at the scene though," Riley slumped down at her desk, staring at one of the photos she had not yet pinned up.

"I said she was killed with a scalpel, not the scalpel,"

Riley looked up sharply. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that the scalpel found at the scene has another womans blood on it, Brooke,"


I hope you enjoyed that introduction! I'm sorry it was short, I just wanted to lift the story off the ground. There is also a sequel to this book (Under Ice), so you can look forward to that ;D 

Don't forget to like recommend and add to your library - you'll be seeing a new chapter soon.

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