Chapter 10

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"It's good to see you detective," A voice snarled, and Riley forced herself to look at the man who had her pinned to the wall.

Harold Payne was stronger than he looked. Much stronger. His hand was wrapped so tightly around her throat that her vision was beginning to fade. He only loosened his grip when her head began to spin, and she was struggling to breathe.

It was hard to see in the dark, but she could make out his features, which now knowing he was a killer, were more terrifying than before. His blonde hair was short and scraggly, and his face was bony and veins popped through his forehead, with a sly smirk on his face to top it all off.
I've got you now.

Brooke tried to open her mouth to say something, but his hand was clamped around her throat so tightly barely any noise came out. He let go slightly when he was sure she couldn't do anything.

"How did you find me?" She mumbled, trying to focus on him through the dim.

"Well, you came to the hospital where I work. I guess you could say I've been with you ever since. It's funny how you checked everywhere for me, except your own apartment block. I had another victim a few days ago, because you see, I needed a place to stay. The girl who lives above your apartment.... Mary or Ma-"


He smiled again, showing gleaming white teeth. "Your quick detective. To quick,"

Suddenly he pulled away, but his other hand flew up connecting a taser with the side of her neck.

Riley gasped for air, as she collapsed to the floor, the electricity biting every bone in her body like a rabid dog. She'd only been tased once before, during her police training, and it was as horrible as she remembered. It was like every blood cell inside her was having a small disco, as her heart pumped faster and she bit her lip, trying to stop herself from letting out any sign of discomfort. Suck it up, Brooke.

She couldn't do anything as Payne crouched down and slapped her wrists into a pair of handcuffs, and she watched helplessly. 10 minutes she thought, remembering how long the pain usually lasted. She needed to tough it out until the time was up.

She tried to follow Payne's movements across the precinct. It seemed he had laid out his impliments on Brigg's desk, and she could see a sharpened scalpel and her new clothes laid out for her. He seemed to be cleaning them, like a doctor ready for an operation, except this time no patients would be waking up from the surgery.

The pain was beginning to fade now, and she tried to make herself think of a way to save herself. My gun, my gun. Managing to slowly move her hand to her holster, she felt it was empty.

"Looking for something, detective?" Payne smiled, waving the black nano at her. Dammit.

Ok, what now? She watched again as Payne moved to sift through the clothes. She had nothing left now, no gun, no phone. All the could use was the element of surprise, but what was she meant to do? Could she stab him with a hair pin? Knock him out with a shoe?

She closed her eyes slightly, and let herself go limp, trying to look as defeated as possible. He sauntered over, his scalpel in his hand, looking satisfied with what he had done so far. Kneeling down next to her, he stopped as she mumbled something.

"Why me? Why all those girls?"

"Why, detective? And here I thought you were smart," He gazed down at his scalpel fondly. "For 23 years, all I've done is answer emails and inject needles into people. No cutting, no slicing. I only ever got to use scalpels in medical school, and even then I never got the qualification to be a surgeon. I had to opt for something 'less challenging' my professor had said. I only figured out I could become a doctor by myself a few months ago, and even then you were right on my tail, Brooke. That's why I chose you. You got to close,"

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