"Laine I'm sorry. I'm just going to be gone for a week. Or three" I said and he stopped pacing.
"Three weeks Leah? Really?" He said pissed off.We were in the airport We were also having a tiny argument because I was flying to Florida to see my parents. Not that I wanted to go. But I needed something.
"Lainey. I'm sorry. I just need to go. I love you" I said and grabbed my carry on bag.
"Leah. 3 weeks is way to long. You know that. What happens if your mom goes nuts? " He said and grabbed my hand.
"I know Laine. I will be safe. Austin's going to be with me. I promise." I said and pulled my hand from him.
"Last call for flight 678 to Miami Florida" the intercom said.
"Just remember this. I love you. With everything in me. I promise. No matter what happens. Okay?" I said and kissed his cheek.
"Okay. I love you" He said and I walked toward my gate. He still seemed pissed.
I boarded my plane and fell asleep. I just couldn't keep thinking about the situation that was going to happen~~~~
I just landed and I texted Laine.
Me- hey Laine. Just got off the plane. 💓💓
I put my phone in my pocket and went to baggage claim. Austin should be landing soon.
(Skip all the baggage claim and now she met up with Austin.)~~~~
"How do you thinks she's gonna be this time?" Austin said and got into the uber.
"I don't know. I just don't want that child with her." I said looking at my phone to see if Laine texted back. Nothing.I sighed and looked at Austin. We were twins. But he was so different. He was an partier and I was a person who stays in her pajamas all day and cuddle with Laine. Oh Laine. I miss him so much already. But I know he's pissed off.
"Leah?" Austin said snapping me out of my thoughts
"Uh Yeah." I smiled and he smiled back.
"You alright?"
"Yeah" I smiled and looked out the window. I hated Florida. With everything in me. This is where my older brother died and my parents became drug heads. Well there's the reason I'm here.
My older brother is Riley Michelle. He died about a year ago. He had a girlfriend and had a child. Well. She got pregnant and he died. So she named him brant. He is almost 1. But recently she got depressed and is being committed to the mental institution soon. So I have to get the child and figure out what I need to do. And it's my choice if the child goes with Austin or me. Of course I never told Laine. He would freak. And I'm scared of that.~~~~
"It's now or never" Austin said and grabbed my hand.
He opened the door and walked in. It was horrible. There was trash everywhere and smelt like cigarettes. They were never like this. It all happened after Riley died.
"Wow" Austin mumbled and looked around."Ahh! Leah and Austin! I missed you so much!" Damn. She changed. She looked like a drug head.
"Hi mom. Where's Brant?" I asked and walking into the trashed living room.
"I have no idea actually. Now now take a seat."
"No mom. I'm here to come get Brantley now where is he?"
She sighed and pointed upstairs.
Austin ran upstairs and I stayed downstairs.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked and scoffed.
"So you and your little boy toy could break up. If I can't have a relationship. You can't either. What's his name? Luke or.."
"It doesn't matter his name. I'll treat this kid like he was my own. You having him would be the last thing in his life. I will never treat him like you did to me." I said and Austin came downstairs with brant in his arms.
"I'll see you in court in 4 days" I said and walked out with Austin following with brant.~~~~
Ok so I know this is my shortest chapter. But I have exams for the next 3 days. And then summer is after. I'm sorry for being inactive.
What's you favorite song on Laines album?

Mine|| Laine Hardy
FanfikceLaine hardy and Leah Michelle have been best friends since they were crawling. They both have been dating for 6 years already. Will they have bumps along the road? With people try to pull them apart? Or will they be better than before?