Chapter 2: I'm Taking What's Mine Back

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Chapter 2: I'm Taking What's Mine Back

"Fucking shit!" I yelled

 I heard a knock at the door. I put up my arm and unlocked the door to my quarters. The door opened and someone walked in. I didn't bother to look. I was too pissed off. I shut the door and turned around to see who had just walked into my room.

"What the fuck do-"

 I saw the new recruit, Lieutenant Nolan. I stopped talking the moment I looked to him. He took a step forward and then went to go say something but nothing came out. I looked down to the floor and cleared my throat as I looked back to the Lieutenant.

“Yes, Lieutenant?”

“I, uh, heard yelling. I wanted to make sure you were okay, Commander.”

 I looked away when he said Commander. I took in a deep breath and looked to him, “Please, just call me Shepard for the moment. I need to get my shit together.”

 He nodded his head and then looked to me, “I’m sorry, about what happened.”

 I looked around the room and put my hands on my hips, “Yeah, me too. Me fucking too.”

 He took a step closer and I jerked my head in his direction. He put up his hands to calm me, “Shepard, I don’t mean to hurt you.”

 I let my arms fall down to my sides and took in a deep breath, “I know. Sorry, Lieutenant.”

“What I wanted to ask was . . .”

 I looked over to him and raised a brow, “What is it, Lieutenant?”

 He looked down to the ground and then back to me, “I wanted to ask if I could be on your squad. I know with all this going on, it would be a bit difficult but-”

 I put up a hand and looked to him, “Sure, Lieutenant. I think you’ve got what it takes. I’ll arrange training so that you can learn how to use all weapons.”

 A smile appeared on his face and then it vanished, “But what about-”

“That doesn’t matter. I’m getting my title back somehow.”

 He nodded his head and then looked to the door, “We landed at the Citadel. I was about to get off.”

 I nodded my head, “Let’s go, Lieutenant. Suit up.”

 We walked out of my quarters and headed to our lockers. I got my suit on and got my guns. I strapped them on and then we both walked out. We walked out of the ship and walked down the walkway before we got into the elevator. We got in and went down. Some news got broadcasted in the elevator but I didn’t bother listening. Once we got out of the elevator, I looked around and then headed down to the security wing for one second. Once I got down there, we walked down the hall and made a turn to head into the first room. I wanted in and sure enough, the lead security officer is there. I smile at him.

“What can I do for you today Miss Shepard?” he asked

“Can you do me a favour?” I asked

 He raised his brow, “What kind of favour?”

 I walked over to his desk and set both my hands on it and got on his level, “I need to get into the database.”

 He rolled his eyes, “What for? Might I also add that I am the lead officer around here. I think you’re asking the wrong person.”

 I squinted my eyes at him and then smiled, “Yes, but remember that favour I did for you before I left? The way I remember it-”

“Fine! What do you want me to look up?”

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