Chapter 2: Complicated Apology (Part 1)

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     Author's Notes: N/A 

     (Picture of Alex on the right.)

Dyaln's POV: 

    As I sat down at the dinner table there was complete silence. That's how it usually was around here even before the accident. My mom was usually at work right now and my brother was probably just waking up; he should be down any minute. Eating my cereal I couldn't help, but think about yesterday evening how I had hurt Alex's feelings really bad. He should just stay out of my and give me my space like Sarah and Matt were doing. All I can do is warn him. I should say sorry though, but that means talking him. 

    I stopped eating cereal as I leaned back against my chair. "Just say you're sorry, make it short and sweet, then leave" I thought to myself . How hard can it be? Well unless he tries to give you a freaking speech but other then that it should be fine I guess. 

    Closing my eyes I let my mind run wild. I really needed some music right about now.

    I suddenly jumped at the sound of footsteps slowly creeping down the stairs, Brandon.  

     He wasn't his annoying self lately around me anymore. Just like everyone else, he got the memo that I didn't want to be fucked with. Brandon didn't give me any direct eye contact ; instead he looked nervously out the corner of his eyes as he walked to the kitchen. 

    Sometimes I kinda miss the Brandon I use to know. I mean, he was my little brother; aren't they suppose to be annoying? 

    To get away from this awkward moment I quickly ate my cereal then grabbed my things and left for school. 

    As soon as I took a step on the school campus I could already tell that today was going to be a problem. People were already looking at me with sympathy plastered all on their faces. Yeah I fell of a damn four-story building and it happened to be...all...over...the news...still! That doesn't mean that everyone has to have that stupid look on their face when they looked at me. 

    I rolled my eyes, held my head high and walked to the front entrance of the school building. On the inside I wanted to punch every single one of them, but I had to show everyone I was "fine"  so they won't be in my face twice as much. The look I lead on did convince quite a few people I was fine because stares became less and less.

    I headed up the stairwell to the second floor searching for my homeroom; I looked on the paper to see if the number  that was on it matched the number on any of the doors I passed. I suddenly bumped into a figure about the same height as me causing the paper to drop from my hand. I quickly bent down to grab the paper then realized the person who I bumped into got really stiff and didn't move at all; no apology, no sudden movement to help me pick up my paper, nothing. 

   This person better be the queen of  England, like who does he think he...oh my God...It's Nate. 

    I looked up after getting my paper to see him just starring at me with no emotion. It's like he was wearing a mask because I remember him being the fun one out of Mason's clique. Now he just looks bland, like when you don't add that sugar to your corn flakes. We all need that sugar because without it, you basically eating cardboard.

    See what I did there? Too much? 


    I completely stood up to get eye level with him. His face may not have told a story, but his hands sure did as they were shaking a little too much and balled into an angry fist. I didn't know whether to keep my silence and walk or just say I'm sorry for running into him. Before I could say or do anything he spoke, "You took them away from me. My best took them away." You can hear the strain in his voice as he fought the urge not to cry, but you could sense the anger too like he wanted to kill me. 

    I slowly took a few steps back with my hand tightly gripping my paper, "I didn't do anything." 

    "Yes you did!" Nate said raising his voice as he got attention from the people around us. Immediately as they saw who was arguing everyone I guess knew the back story and started coming fast. Nate got closer and all in my face pressing his index finger on the middle of my chest, "If it wasn't for you they'd still be alive!" he spat like it was a bad taste in his mouth. 

    Now he was making me upset. How could he blame me for Mason's death? Not along with Ryan. He was the one that practically did all that.  

    Pushing aside all my emotions expect anger, I pushed his finger off my chest and got closer to his face speaking loud enough to where he could only hear me, " Well it's not my fucking fault your dumb ass friend had to go psycho and kill himself." 

    As soon as I said that I was instantly slammed hard into the lockers making the crowd "Oh!" in excitement. Pain shoot to my head as I closed my eyes grabbing it only to whine a little. When I reopened my eyes Nate was in my face again. 

    "Ryan was my friend; I'd know if something was wrong with him so don't you dare call him a psycho! " 

    "He's the one who killed my first love Nate! All because he was jealous..." I yelled back with an ending grouse. 

    "Because of you, Dylan! You! If it wasn't for you they 'd still been with me." 

    I kind of rolled my eyes a little at that because he sounded kind of possessive if you ask me. "Look..."  I began, "it's not like you can just erase me." 

    "Humph." he muttered with a slight grin as he back up away from me. He starred into my eyes with a stern look as I starred back, nether one of us backing down to look away. All I could do was give a confused look. Why was he grinning like that? That shit creepy. Seriously though, it's not like he can erase me, right'? Well unless he killed me...

     It don't get that serious.

    Did it? 

    As I continued to stare back at Nate, in my peripheral vision I saw Sarah and Matt just starring at me with a concerned look like a parent would give their child. I didn't dare to look directly at them because like I said, I didn't feel like dealing with their concern about me, if that made any since.  

    Nate finally turned around and walked off. Thank goodness, thought psycho bitch number two would never leave.  

    As Nate left so did the crowd, but Matt and Sarah. I suddenly relaxed being relieved that the stupid conflict was over with.

    My eyes flickered towards Matt and Sarah for a minute then back to the leaving crowd as I decided to follow them. 

    "Dylan!" Sarah screamed, "Wait!"  

    I kept walking ignoring her high pitch scream as she called out for me. 

    "Please Dylan!" she cried, "Stop doing this to yourself!" her voice had now trailed off to an agonizing sob. I slightly turned my head and caught a glimpse of Matt holding her as he looked up at me with a pinch of anger in his eyes. I just brushed it off feeling a little remorse for ignoring them and turned back around then once again bumping into someone. 

    "What the hell. Today is just bump Dylan day." I mumbled. Looking up I saw Alex and he looked pissed. He took a step closer and got all in my face like Nate, "So this is how you treat your friends huh?" 

    I just stepped to the side and started to walk again looking down the hallway to go to homeroom simply ignoring him. I then felt his hand grab me and sling me back to where I was before standing in front of him again.

    "I'm so tired of your shit Dylan!" he hollered and pushed me a little to rough.

    I wasn't even phased by him, I keep a bored look on my face and questioned, "So you going to hit me or what because I'm really tired of all this talking."  

    "Oh my God Dylan! I want what they want and that's answers!" he yelled in frustration flipping his hair out of his face.

    I looked back at Matt and Sarah as they were now closer to me and I knew I couldn't go anywhere. I swallowed hard because after hiding from them so long  this was something I knew I couldn't escape. 

    This was going to be one complicated apology.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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