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This is my first real fan fiction story I've done like one shot Stydia stories but never a story like this so I hope people like it. I don't own Teen Wolf that lovely Jeff Davis does Scarlett McCall is the only character to my name.

Scarlett McCall is Scott younger sister (by only a year) but because of intelligence she managed to skip a grade in middle school. Scarlett is getting prepared to start her sophomore year with her brother and friends, even though her friends are all older and just got their license she's not intimidated by them neither does she care, sometimes even her friends like Jackson, Danny and Stacy forget about her age as well. Scarlett is pretty oppsite of her brother with that being they don't really hang out together outside the house don't get her wrong she loves her brother and is never ashamed their siblings they just live separate lives. Scott and Scarlett use to hang out a lot as kids along with Scott's sidekick Stiles getting into all kinds of trouble. Since 8th grade they grew apart when she started hanging with Jackson Whittamore who can't stand her brother. Her friends run in a different circle than her brother and his best friend as a result they don't spend time together. Little does she know that's about to change.


Scarlett laid spread out on her floor blasting the song "wonder wall" by Oasis singing along dressed in poke-a-dot shorts and a Foo-fighters t-shirt. She was brought out of her thoughts when her door swung open revealing her older brother Scott.

"Did you hear that?" Scott asked wheeling around a baseball bat around her room like the intruder was in her bedroom. 

"I don't know what your referring to but 'maybe your goanna be the one that saves me'....than no" she replied referring to the song that was playing.

"I think someone's trying to break in" he said to her

"than call the cops someone else that stands a chance against a predator" she said knowing her clumsy asthmatic brother wouldn't stand a chance.

Scott rolled his eyes at her walking out the room Scarlett laid back on the floor yelling out one last comment. "Ten bucks it's Stiles!!"

Not more than ten minutes later she heard screaming, Scarlett ran down the stairs to check it out. When she got to the front door there Scott was on the porch and Stiles was hanging off the roof like a monkey. Scarlett sighed looking at them both.

"told you it was him" she said, The pale boy with the buzz cut hair just smiled at her.

"Scarlett...always lovely to see you" Stiles said

"you too Stilinksi, now if you two are done I'm going to bed see you tomorrow" she said walking back to her room.


At one am Scarlett bounced out of her bed into her brother's room when she heard a loud thud. She opened the door to find her brother in his bathroom with his shirt lifted up staring into the mirror she was relieved he was finally home after running off with Stiles but also concerned

"Scott where have you been?" she asked.

Scott was startled by her entrance he jumped turning around he exposed the injury on his side. Scarlett's eyes widened by the blood dripping down his side and immediately grabbed the first aid kit tending to her brother's wound.

"what happened out there?" she asked frantically

"Stiles and I were looking for the dead body, we got separated and something bit me" he explained

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