lone wolf

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Scarlett was standing outside the mechanic's texting Lydia she wanted to make sure she was okay after Lydia's run in with Jackson in the hall at school, she had a slight break down Scarlett just wanted to make sure she was all right but Lydia said very little in her texts. after awhile Scarlett headed back inside her heart dropped when she saw Stiles laying on the floor not moving, she ran over putting his head in her lap.

"Stiles are you okay? What happened?"

"I-I can't move like my body is paralyzed, you have to get out of here it killed the mechanic it will kill you too!" Stiles said

she gave him a confused look about to speak when she saw it, the lizard from her paintings live in front of her she froze in shock as it hissed at them right before running out the building. Scarlett snapped out of her daze and looked back down at Stiles.

"are you alright? I'll call 911" she said

"I did that, I'm fine starting to get feeling back in my toes"

"lets wait outside" Scarlett managed to help Stiles up off the ground and outside by the time the sheriff and a couple cops showed up Stiles had already regained feeling in his body his figures still stiff. Scarlett call Scott to pick them up now they we're just waiting as the sheriff asked them some questions.

"you guys sure you didn't see anything if your scared to say-" Stiles cut his dad off

"you think we're lying"

"no just need the whole story" sheriff said

"we didn't see anything dad, we came inside saw the jeep laying on top of the guy... Can we go now?"

"Yeah I'll try to have the jeep back as soon as possible"

"just make sure they wash it" Stiles said Scarlett saw Scott pull up and dragged Stiles to the car

"you guys okay?" Scott asked as they got in

"yeah but your right that thing isn't like you, it's eyes almost reptilian like" Stiles said Scarlett stayed quite in the back seat trying to wrap her mind around what just happened, how was that the creature from her drawings a few days ago.

"But it was something about his eyes" Stiles said

"what do you mean?" Scott asked

"like when you see a friend in a Halloween mask but all you can see is their eyes" Stiles explained

"are you saying you know who it is?" Scott asked

"no but I think it knew us, but I also think Letty has seen it before" Stiles said

Scarlett leaned up from the backseat "what?"

"I saw the way you looked at it like you've seen it before, what's going on with you?" Stiles concerned

"nothing! And I don't know that thing!" She said but looked at her brother she knew he could tell she was lying but gave him the face that said she didn't want to talk about.

"fine" Stiles said he could tell she was hiding something but wasn't going to push it

once the pulled up to the house Scarlett ran up to her room before the boys could say anything else to her locking the door so she wouldn't be disturbed

Scarlett woke up early the next morning throwing on skinny's a nice blouse and a pair of tall boots, she grabbed her stuff snuck out the house taking Scott's bike. She headed down to the abandon sub station where she knew Derek was. She made her way down the steps she saw Boyd and Isaac though right in front of her face was of course Erica stopping her from going any further.

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