Fairy from the woods

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While we wait for Mrs. Tsume to come back, the Hokage beckons one of the shadow people over. I tense as they walk closer, remembering the one who tried to grab me.
The Hokage quietly whispers to them, probably so I don't here him "Once Tsume gets here, go to Naruto Uzumaki's place. Tell him to bring a pair of spare clothes here. Tell him...tell him "The Fairy" woke up." He finishes, sounding amused.
Naruto Uzumaki...
I hear footsteps coming from out side the door behind me and I flinch slightly as it bursts open. I spin around, recognizing Mrs. Tsume's scent but not recognizing the other three that enter along with her. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the masked man leave out the window.
In the doorway, lead by Mrs. Tsume, is a blond man with a stern face that smells of flowers and other's fear. The weird combination makes me want to get as far away as possible.
The man next in line has a face as smooth as a lake on a calm day. He smells of paper and ink, along with cool, dry wind. He looks like a doll with his expression blank like his white eyes.
The last new person of the group is a female. She smells of furry creatures, which calms me, but she also has a scent similar to the room I woke up in, making me wary.
"These are some of the most skilled in our village for information gatherings. Mr. Yamanaka is from our interrogation division, he can look into your memories and may be able to unlock the door that is blocking them." He explains while pointing to the scary blond man.
Nodding at the doll man, the Hokage explains "Mr. Huga will be able to see if you have been trained as a ninja in the past. If you have, we will ask around the ninja villages to see if they lost you."
"Or she could be a sleeper agent." Yamanaka mutters.
The Hokage gives him a sharp look, causing him to close his mouth and straighten. Though his gaze never waivers.
"And finally we have Ms. Inuzuka's daughter, Hana. She is a vet, an animal doctor. And I think we will start with her first." The Hokage states
A vet, so he knows? All the other adults don't seem to know what he is talking about. They all seem confused as to why he called for a vet to investigate a stranger to the village. I'm frozen with uncertainty.
The Hokage gives me a pointed look and said "It's ok, I won't allow the to tell anyone else unless we have your permission. And you won't be judged by anyone here." This time he pointedly looks at the adults.
After they all nod in confirmation, understanding the order. I still hesitate, a soft nudge on the hand from Lupa is the only thing that encourages me. I slowly relax my ears until they are sticking naturally out of my hair and I unwrap my tail from around my belly, allowing it to trail underneath the hospital gown I was wearing.
I keep my eyes trained on their feet as my ears twitch, hearing sounds of surprise coming from all four of them. I flinch slightly and back into Lupa as one of them steps closer. I look up as they kneel in front of me, Hana was now eye level with me.
"Definitely feline...may I touch them?" with my stiff nod, she gently touches my ears, looking in them and trailing her fingers down to the base. I try to keep as still as possible but they twitch at the contact. She separates my hair and looks at my scalp "Not from a surgery for sure. There is not scar tissue around the base and there's no nerve damage to the ear itself. That's why they twitch... can you close your eyes and cover your human ears Sweety? There's a good girl..."
I jump as loud clap sounds right beside my ear. I open my eyes to give her an annoyed look. She stands up and looks at the Hokage.
"Well, they are real. I don't know whether she is a product of a genetic experiment, a jutsu gone wrong or a bloodline, but those ears are genuine and I would guess the tail is too. They look healthy from what I can see, no ear mights or fleas. She's a bit thin but it seems like whoever she ran from kept her in relatively good conditions." She clarified as she takes a couple steps back.
The Hokage nods to this, pausing for a second before he nods at Mr. Huga to get started. He tells me to stand still and try to relax.
Suddenly, his eyes change. His veins strain around them and his white pupils become more noticeable. He squints at me, looking confused before his eyes widen and go back to normal.
"I don't believe it..." he whispers.
"What, what is it?" The Hokage questions carefully when he doesn't clarify.
"I didn't know it was possible...this girl has never been a ninja, that much I certain...she, she doesn't have a chakra network. And there's not a single drop of chakra in her body." He marvels.
I don't know what this chakra is or what means to not have any but the adults seem to be shell shocked by the news. Even as I'm looking down, I can feel their gazes burning into me. Trying to draw my secrets to the surface. They won't have much luck, as I don't even know what secrets I, myself hold.
Mr. Yamanaka gruffly tells me to sit. He kneels in front of me, looking straight into my eyes and places his hands on my head, muttering some words that I don't understand. My head feels like there are worms squirming through it but it's not really a bad feeling. When he lets my head go only about five minutes have passed.
"There's nothing, I can't find anything from before her running. It's like her chakra, never there to begin with. She's not blocking the memories out. They're just...not there." He sounds frustrated. "It's not any jutsu that I know of, and it's not simple amnesia. I don't know if her memories will ever come back."
The Hokage sighs after a long, awkward moment of silence "You are just one oddity after another, aren't you? We are going to go into the next room over and talk. You stay here and wait. We will tell you what we think of when we come out."
I nod, only half hearing what he said. The last comment Mr. Yamanaka said echoing in my mind, numbing my body. I probably won't get my memories back. I'll probably never know who I was before this. I won't remember my life, my friends or family. That scares me. I may be alone for the rest of my life. No one will want to be friends with someone with as sketchy a past as mine. I'll be alone forever.
"-can't trust her, Lord Hokage."
My ears twitch as I focus on what is being said.
"-never seen my hounds take to a person so quickly. It's strange"
"We can't just turn her away. She has no where to go. No place to return and there are people after her." The Hokage reasons.
"We need her locked up, she's an unknown. The village has finally settled after the incident five years ago." that was Mr. Huga.
"Or we could run tests and see if we can find out how she has those ears and tail. We might be able to create a whole new type of ninja with that information." Yamanaka suggests.
I block out the rest. They want to lock me up? Experiment on me? I knew it, they were lying about being safe. They were lying to me. Were they working for the people from before? Were they going to send me back to them when I let my guard down? Too many questions race through my head, but one thought was clear. Run.
"Shut up! She can hear us! With those ears she can hear things happening a block from here. You're probably making her panic again" Hana scolds.
I listen closely to those inside as they shuffle and make half-apologies, planning my escape. Just when the door to the room I'm in bursts open.
"JIJI! I'm here!" A boy bursts into the room while I hunker down in the chair I have been sitting in.
I send a glance around the side of the chair. His clothes, large and over-sized, dwarf his body making him seem smaller that he actually is. He is covered in dirt and scratches, smelling of leaves making it look like he got in a fight with a bush. His core scent is... Strange.
Core scents are the scents you are born with. They are the ones that make you smell undoubtably like you. You're acquired smell is what accumulates over time from the things you interact with. So even if you spend you're whole life with animals, use a certain shampoo, or wash your body until it bleeds, your core scent will never change. This boy is not like that. The core scent is clearly part animal, and that gets me curious... I want to know more about this new person.
I cautiously get out of my chair and into his view. "You're the fairy from the woods!" He gasps.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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