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1st person

Running. My bare feet pound on the forest floor, echoed by the sounds of Them. My lungs feel like they are on fire. I scramble over a fallen log and rush to hide under it. Trying to take in air as quietly as I can.

I hear their footsteps come to a halt on the other side of the log. The footsteps move from one side of the log to the other. Finally, coming to rest just in my line of sight. I hold my breath and try to quiet my heart because I'm sure they can hear it, pounding as hard as it is. They seem like they are about to crouch down and my mind goes blank. My once pounding heart is now in my stomach, like a cold stone. Then, there is a rustle in the bushes that leads away from my hiding spot. My pursuer rushes off to catch what they think is their prey.

I wait to see if they come back, eventually allowing myself to breathe again. I slowly leave the hollow. Once out, I rush off in the opposite direction. Being careful where I step in case they are still nearby.

Just when I think I'm safe, the bushes rattle behind me. I spin around quickly, only to lose my footing in the loose soil. I flail my arms, trying to regain my balance but the struggle is useless. I fall backwards into cold rushing water.

I kick my arms and legs desperately, trying to get to the air-filled surface. The current whirls around me, trapping me. My already exhausted body is throbbing, needing the breath of air that is just out of reach. My lungs are burning again as the edges of my vision start to fade out of existence.

I am just about to give up when I feel something start to push me towards the shore of the torrential river. As soon as my head breaks the surface I gasp for the blessed air. I am pushed onto the rocky edge of the river while I cough up the water I swallowed. I look to see who my rescuer is as I scrabble away from the edge of the stone, but all I see is a dark shape return underwater as if I had imagined it. I stared at the water, panting, waiting for it to resurface. It never did.

I slowly come out of my shock and look around. It looks like I was washed downstream but I don't know how far. I have to keep moving. I get up onto my shaking legs. Looking around to figure out which direction I should go, I notice a light in the distance. People! I set out as quickly as I can for the glowing warmth.

3rd POV

An old man and a child are sitting at a campfire gazing at the vast expanse of stars above them, fish roasting on sticks in front of them. The old man opens his mouth to say something when the bushes beside them shift. The man quickly stands up in a defensive position while the child stiffens.

The bushes shift again to reveal a girl, not much older than the boy child. She looks at both of them fearfully.

"Help me," she whimpers, taking a step forwards.

The boy relaxes but the old man keeps his guard up

"Please, I-" She reaches forward trying to take another step but crumples to the ground


Running. Heart pounding, my panicked breathing sounds like thunder in my ears, my thighs burn, lungs are on fire, and I pray not to trip. I can hear their heavy steps pounding the soil, their groans of infuriation. Their heavy breathing is grating in my ears. They are gaining on me. They reach out and catch my arm, spinning me around to see the-

I wake up with a gasp, every one of my senses on high alert. In a second I take in the bright contrast to the dark forest on my nightmare, the damp scent of musty plants is replaced with the harsh smells of chemicals, the frantic pounding of my heart is lulled by the soothing sound of silence.

I am sitting on a bed in a pastel room, the sounds of people come from the door on the other end. To my right is a window that leads outside. On the window sill is an orange cat staring at me with intelligent eyes. I stare back, mesmerized.

"-eck on little miss mysterious!" a voice states, snapping me back to reality.

Hastily, I hop off the bed. I stumble as my leg muscles protest being pushed again. I get to the window just as the door opens; a woman wearing a white lab coat walks in. She sees me out of bed and I give her a glance before taking a glimpse back into the animal's eyes.

I then know what to do, I climb onto the window sill as I hear the woman start to protest. Ignoring her, save for an eye flicker in her direction, I jump. I hear her shout for help as I reach the ground, rolling to my feet to start running again. I just make it to the gates of where I'm being held when an arm grabs me from behind

-They reach out and catch my arm, spinning me around to see-

"No!" I cry out, struggling against the iron grip "No, let me go! I don't wanna go back!"

I start to hyperventilate when my capturer lets out a strangled cry, loosening their grip enough for me to escape. I bolt, taking a quick glance back to see a person in all black and an animal mask being attacked by my new cat friend. The cat makes eye contact again, there is a clear message in it this time; go.

So I run, moving my aching legs to go faster. I run blindly, running into things as I go. I try to take the path with the least people, but the sense of someone still following me will not leave.

I run until my legs give out, I collapse onto the ground, breathing heavily. Looking around, I see that I am in an area surrounded by trees with a small river running through it. I tense as I hear a bush rustle off to the side, but calm down when I notice it is only a curious little bird.

 I tense as I hear a bush rustle off to the side, but calm down when I notice it is only a curious little bird

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I beckon it to come closer until it lands on my hand. I smile at it, slowly allowing myself to relax when I don't hear anyone chasing after me. I breathe in the calming scent of earth, the smell of sunbathed plants. My ears twitch, listening to the sounds of curious animals scamper through the foliage to catch a glimpse of this strange new creature in their section of the woods. The sunlight streaming through the trees is warm on my skin and slowly lulls me into a drowsy state.

As I'm about to nod off, a voice startles me into alertness, "Whoa, boy! I'm the one walking you, not the other way around!"

I quickly flatten my ears to my head, hiding them with-in my hair, when a dog bursts out of the bushes. Dragging behind it a boy.

The dog surges towards me, causing the boy to lose grip on the leash he was being pulled by. I am toppled over by the large dog as it sniffs me. It sniffed me all over tickling me when it went to my armpits. I got the sense that it was worried, though. It seemed to be making sure I wasn't hurt and once it did, its tail started wagging excitedly. It then began licking my face, causing me to start giggling.

"Aomaru, what are you doi-," the boy cut himself off and stops pulling Aomaru once he spots me, "who are you?"

I freeze, finally allowing myself to think. This boy didn't seem dangerous but, his question. Who was I? I should know something simple like that, shouldn't I? Where the memories should be, there is only a wall. A wall blocking whatever happened before the chase through the forest. A new kind of panic sets in.

I stare straight into the eyes of the boy. The boy who asked the world-shattering question and say three words that were going to change my life for the next seven years.

"I don't know...."

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