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Hi, I'm Alyssa Green... and I'm dying. I know that's not how you're supposed to start these kind of things, but I've got nothing to lose right now. I know you're probably wondering why I told you I was dying, but that'll all be explained shortly. Now that you're here, why dont we start off with the basics.

I have a two siblings, Lori and Alex Green, they're awesome. They sleep in the room next to mine, so that they won't "get sick" like me. Listen to me when I tell you this, what I have isn't contagious. Want to know how I know? I googled it. Anyways, I'm pretty sure my parents think I'm contagious. But I'm pretty sure it isn't. 

Leading onto the next subject, my lovely parents, Karen and Jason Green. The people who brought me into this world are also the people who keep me locked up at home. It actually isn't as bad as it sounds. I mean, some days it seems like the world is actually plotting against me, but other than that, it's okay at my house. Mostly due to the fact that I just sit around and watch Netflix the whole time. 

Now you're probably like, "Alyssa, can you stop blabbering about your family and tell us why youre dying!" 

Okay people, chill. I'm about to get to that. About 2 months ago, I got very sick unexpectedly. My parents rushed me to the hospital after I fell down the stairs because I got really dizzy. There, I was tested for evrything. Polio, stokes, and whatever else they tested me for. Sorry, I forgot. Only one came out as postive out of all the tests I took. I was diagnosed with LEUKEMIA. The doctor told my family since they just found it then and not before, I didn't have 5 full years to live. I only had 3.After the doctors totally dropped the bomb to my parents, they ordered me to stay at home a ROT... Okay, that's not what they actually said, but thats just how I interpreted it.

Thus, the reason I'm dying. It's a lot to take in. Especially, for a 16 year old. Don't worry, everything is okay.

For now.


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