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( real life!! )


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The sound of the one and only, Jimmy Fallon's voice had bombarded the whole studio as Chadwick patiently waited backstage. He had been waiting for this interview for quite a while now, hoping to get it over with so there'd be a lower chance of spoiling his upcoming movie.

Most importantly, he didn't want to come face to face with any drama or anything of that sort. The man wasn't one for drama and lately, there had been plenty rumors of him dating his ex; so confronting it on live television wouldn't be too good on his plate at the moment.

"Let's welcome Chadwick Boseman to the stage everbody!" The applause and the music was ringing in his ears making his way over to the friendly host who had a broad smile on his features.

Jimmy enveloped him in a hug, before requesting him to sit on the sofa where every star that had stumbled upon his show sat on. Chadwick was more than happy at the moment, humbly showing his gratitude to the audience as they continued to applaud him.

Just like any other interview the actor had encountered, Jimmy began to question him about his new movie and relevant questions about his life which he happily answered.

Other than that, he had enjoyed his entire stay at the show — not only emitting a few laughs here and there — but it reminded him of how much he loved his career. He really did.

The show went on quite well, until it almost came to an end where he began to face the type of questions he warned himself about in the beginning.

"So, Chadwick, is there a special someone in your life at the moment?" Jimmy released a teasing laugh before he patiently waited for his answer. A murmur of 'oohs' and 'ahhs' rippled through the crowd, pressuring him to answer the question.

Chadwick wasn't entirely shocked that Jimmy had all of a sudden tossed the specific question at him but he refused to answer it, well honestly. Deep down, the man knew there was someone special in his life. He just couldn't bring himself to admit it or even believe it, as the feelings nudged at him from the back of his head.

"Nah, no."

He shook his head, mirroring Jimmy's laughter. The crowd was mildly disappointed.

"I could sense hesitation from that answer," Jimmy remarked, not fully believing the response he had received. Chadwick slightly felt discontented from his answer, almost as if something had pulled him back. Luckily, Jimmy didn't ask anything else related to his love life after that endearing moment.

The show had finally came to a close as he exited the stage and made his way towards the dressing rooms. As a result, there were particular points from the interview he was still deeply concerned about.

The same question kept on nibbling on his mind, along with a specific person that had found their way to it. He couldn't possibly be falling for that person again, could he?

Chadwick hadn't grown to this warm, fuzzy feeling inside of him, catching the same girl at the peak of his thoughts.

He instead kept on denying it and telling himself that he would get over these certain feelings once the movie had come out. It was probably just a phase, no biggie.

He wouldn't have to see her again and the thoughts of her would disperse into thin air. He'd be over her soon, attempting to replay the same phrase over and over.

Yet again, the kind dark brown eyes and her amusing, playful laugh would revolve around in his head once more, gaining a striking epiphany that 'soon' would be a stretch from now.

a note.

my bby boy is
falling for her
again, love is in
the air people

POWER GIRL.  CHADWICK BOSEMANWhere stories live. Discover now