Edd *fluff*

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*Late night cuddles*

It was around 2am on a causal Saturday night. You were up in your room trying to sleep, bit for these past few days you'll usually pass out at 6. You were miserable. Sure, you could stay up late. But doing this for over a week and having to get up around 9am is just painful. But hey, it's not like everyone knows. Oh wait, they all know.
Because you look like you've been living on the streets for the past three months. So they've tried helping, but everything hasn't been working. Like with the warm milk thing, that was disgusting. The music thing made you feel more awake, and those weird breathing techniques were doing nothing. So here we are.
You were just planing to be miserable for the next four hours, bit than there was a weak nock at the door. If it was day you wouldn't even notice the noise, but since it was night everything felt more louder and sensitive. You slowly got out of your pile of blankets and went to the door.
Expecting it to be Matt, asking for another pillow again to "protect himself". But the man standing there was a cubby, chocolate eyed and hair colored cola lover. He looked like he could pass out at any second. But hey, you couldn't blame him. He always went to sleep around 11ish, late but not late,"Hey n/n, just checking in on ya." His voice was raspy, like he just woke up. "Edd you look like a total mess", you chuckled quietly, tiredness sprinkled all over your voice. "Mmm, yeah. But I just came over to see if you were okay. You haven't really been sleeping good..." He sound pretty serious for being half asleep. "Look Eddie boy, I'm okay. I'll just nock out in a few." His eyes shot opened , " Y/n M/n L/n, it's already 3am. I'm not letting you stay up any later than that!" He whispered yelled in a strict, sleepy voice. "Alright, mom. But I literally can not sleep." You rolled your tired, e/c eyes. "Well then, I guess -yawn- I'll be here all night with you to make sure you sleep atleast eight hours" Your eyes widen at his statement,"Alright Edd I think your taking this to far. You look like you're ganna pass out. You're probably almost passing out at this very moment." He pushes your room door open more and slides in(those dms), quickly face planting into your bed. "Ughhh...", you not wanting to move him you just close the door and crawl into bed. You could already hear Edd's quite snores. You blush at a sudden realisation. Your childhood crush is in your bed, and is technically sleeping with you. You quickly scoot to the other side of the bed, which is next to a wall. You were now wide awake from embarrassment and anxiety. 'WTF IS HAPPENING. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?? WHY DID THIS HAPPEN??OUT OF ALL NIGHTS WHY NOW?? LIKE YEAH HE'S CUTE AND AMAZING AND OMG EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS GREAT BUT-',
You were suddenly taken out of your thoughts by an amount of warmth as behind you, pulling you in with their arms. You almost scream by glancing at the beaning behind you, "E-Edd? You awake dude??" With no response from the man you love, you relaxes and begin thinking. 'Well..he is asleep. And this is most likely never to happen again in my life time. So...if I just..' You turn you body around, cupping your hands on Edd's chest, and cuddling against his warmth. His arms pull you in closer, making you squeal in surprise. You quickly shut your mouth, checking if that woke him up....nothing. 'Alright this isn't so bad...just cuddles. This is totally ok-' "You know I'm still awake right?" Edd opened his eyes and looked down at you, smiling in a smug like manner. 'OH HELL NO' You tense up and choke on your words, "Um..no? Yes?? Um wait, no. Uhh?" You were shut out by a pair of chapped lips connecting with yours. Your face felt like it was on fire, burning more with every second passing by. "You..know I've always liked you right?" Your eyes widen more than ever, " A-ah, well no. I bet you never knew I feel that way aswell." Edd chuckled while his face turned a light shade of red,"Well, no not exactly. But it's nice to know that..." Without warning you kissed him again, actually getting full enjoyment from it. "So...dose that mean we're 'a thing'?" You laughed at his question, " I guess so..."

"Good night, love."

"Good night Eddie."


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