The Truth

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Thanos: Marie, I'm sorry about my actions. Do you forgive what I've done?
Marie: For the last time Thanos, yes I do.
Thanos: Honestly I already know what my punishment is my love.
Marie: Then what is it?
Thanos: You don't want me to talk to you for a month.
Marie: Well, it is your punishment but since you apologized twice in a day then you are free of no punishments this time.
Thanos: My love I won't ever mean to disappoint you. I just wanted to equal out our love. It's hard for me to put a lot of this stuff aside when you are the only one I can think about. I do plan on destroying half of humanity for you. When I do I can say it's a worth it. You're all worth it. I see the way you and Stark look at each other. You look so happy with him. Y'all probably have had sex millions of times together. You take everything and turn it into nothing. I wish I knew why we can't get married yet.
Marie: Sometimes Thanos, I have to do what's best for us. You take a bullet and I never healed from it. You fell deeply in love with one of the most wicked woman in the universe. You never understood you and Lady Death's relationship. She never ever loved you Thanos. The relationship was only a one way relationship. You cheated on me with Death and I have to admit I wasn't impressed with the person you became. Everything hurt deeply and I didn't know what to do.
Thanos: You used me in the past. You've hurt me deeply. You kissed him deeply. You murdered him twice and yet you still wanted him to live.
Marie: Loki was never under my spell and yes I understand I did all that and no I wasn't jealous when I cheated on you three times. No, it didn't help me balance our relationship. If anything, it broke the person who I was and the person I've become. You were the one who was jealous. I didn't cheat on you because it felt good, I did it because I needed to gather information.
Thanos: Information on what?
Marie: Information on a person.
Thanos: Is it one of the Avengers?
Marie: Yes of course it is.
Thanos: Tony Stark?
Marie: *gasps* Yes
Thanos: You never loved me. You never wanted me did you?
Marie: *starts crying* I do want you but I...
Thanos: *angrily* WHAT THE HELL IS IT?
Marie: *calmly* I don't like the person you've become.
Thanos: So Haida means the world to both us.
Marie: That's a lie. She only means the world to one of us.
Gamora walks in.
Thanos: What is it child?
Gamora: Um Marie why are you crying?
Marie: Thanos.
Gamora: Do I need to get someone for you?
Marie: No Gamora and actually you are interrupting something important.
Gamora: I'll leave. But btw we all can hear everything your both saying.
Marie: The truth hurts doesn't it, Thanos?
Thanos: My love this bed is big enough for the both of us.
Marie: Ah well yes it is, but I'd rather sleep by myself.
Time skip to the morning
(The princess slept in the room with Loki if you didn't know by now)
Loki: If I may ask you why you aren't sleeping with your husband?
Marie: We got in a little argument.
Loki: The master sure does know how to piss off the ones he loves the most.
Marie: Ah yes he does.
Loki: When you cheated on Thanos, you never had sex with any of us guys. Did you?
Marie: Tony's the only one I had sex with.
Loki: But who did you lose your virginity too?
Marie: Umm I can't answer that.
Time skip to the meeting
(The meeting is not in the throne room or it's not in the castle. It's outside in the garden.)
Natasha: Why is Marie late for our first meeting?
Tony: Do you not see her on the balcony?
Natasha: You are one dumb human being.
Tony: Don't call me dumb.
Natasha: Just did.
Steve: Can you both shut the hell up for once.
Thor: Arguing isn't gonna take us nowhere.
Marie: Well well well. What do we have here?
Thor: lady Marie why are you late?
Marie: You aren't supposed to be in this meeting Thor.
Thor leaves.
Tony: So I heard your in love with me baby.
Marie: Stark for the last time Thanos is the father of the child.
Tony: Sorry my bad.
Marie: Loki asked me who I lost my virginity too.
Tony: what did you say?
Marie: It was inappropriate.
Tony: Wow just wow.
Marie: Tony please shut the hell up.
(The meeting was mainly about Thanos's plan to marry the princess.)

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