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After a while boarding time came around, they found their seats quickly.
- are you nervous Sumni?
- I would lie to you If I tell you no.
- well that makes me feel better, because I'm terrified.
- girl you don't have to be, you are going to take over Seoul quickly, for what I hear the CEO of RM is really hot also single so go get him girl.
- Sumni, what the heck are you talking about, I'm going to work not on a blind date.
- you can do both girl.
- no I cannot do both, you are something serious girl.
They began to laugh.
After a long 14 hours they make it to Seoul.
- wow, that was the longest flight ever.
Sumni said as she stretched out her arms.
- oh my God yes it was, my body is clumped up.

After getting off the plane they walked to baggage claim.
- now what?
Sumni asked.
- the info they send me said that my interview is tomorrow at 8am so I can relax for the rest of the day.
- that's great, I have to make my way to my company so I'll catch up with you later, you are really lucky that Mr. Jeon allowed you to stay at his place, so you don't have to worry about finding a place.
- yep, I can't even tell you how lucky I am in that matter, now all I need is to score that job and I'm all set.
- girl, that job is yours so relax, go to his place and relax and you'll be ok tomorrow.
As they walked they see couple of guys with a sign that says Sumni JYP.
- oh look, that's you.
Y/n says pointing at the guys with the sign
- oooh, they sent people to pick me up nice, let me help you to find a cab before I go.
- don't worry girl, I'll manage I wasn't top student in Mr. Park class for no reason.
- ok miss independent, I'll see you soon.
She said giving her a hug and walking of towards the males.

- " sigh" well it's just me now so let me make my way to this place.

She walked out the airport looking where to get a cab.
- excuse me.
She said bowing to an elder man.
- ah, yes miss, how can I help you?
- I need to go here please, could you take me?
He took a look at the paper.


-- oh yes miss, I can take you let me take your luggage

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-- oh yes miss, I can take you let me take your luggage.
He said as he took her luggage and put it inside the trunk.
- thank you sir.
- of course.
- do you need to exchange American money into won?
- no, I have this card, is it ok?
- ah, I see you are prepared, have you been here before?
- not at all, but my friend is Korean.
- ah, that's great.
- yes it is.
He drove off and after a long drive they made it to the apartment complex.
Y/n's jaw dropped at the sight.
- woah, these two cuties are loaded, they have a house in America and a house in here.
She said getting out of the car.
- here you are miss.
- thank you so much sir.
She said as she handed him the card to pay for the ride, after he got out then took her suitcases out of the trunk.
- well, nice to meet you, enjoy South Korea miss.
- thank you sir.
- of course miss, please take care.
As he drove off she couldn't help but looking at the buildings.
- wow.
She walked inside the building typing the code to the main entrance.
When she finally made it to the door she typed the code to get in.
She finally opened the door, the place was beyond expectations.
- I can't believe that they allowed me to stay here, hopefully I will have a place like this too in a near future.

She walked around to apartment looking everywhere, when she saw the balcony and the view.
Her eyes widened.
- woah.
She heard her phone go off, it was Jungkook.
- hey y/n, did you make it ok?
She smiled at the text.
- how did you know that I'm here already?
- security system missy.
He let out a small chuckle.
- ahhh, I thought you were a witch or something.
She laughed hard.
- not funny missy, do you want to be homeless?
He hissed at her.

- alright, alright don't get your panties in a knot sir, I was joking.
- ahhh, you still sassing me missy?
He was trying too hard to sound mad.
- you are as serious as a cute little bunny so stop, tell Jimin hello for me by the way.
- ahhh, so he is your favorite now?
- how could you possibly think that Jungkook, I like both the same.
- why you met me first?
- that doesn't matter, I like both of you I don't like favouritism.
- aish, missy you are about to get it, anyway I'm happy that you made it, you might have to go grocery shopping, there is literally both there, but some ramen in the pantry, also there are menus in one of the kitchen drawers so you could order some take out, or you could go outside to get something to eat, there is a lot of places nearby the apartments.
- yes mother. don't worry about me.
- yah, disrespectful little girl.
He said jokingly.
- sorry, sorry calm down Kook.
- well, I'm glad you are settled y/n, call me tomorrow after the interview.
- Jungkook.
- yes, I will.
- I'm nervous.
- aigoo, my sweet girl don't be you are going to do great.
- do you really think so Jungkook?
- I know so, be positive I'm sure that job will be yours.
- thanks I needed those words of encouragement.
- of course, that's what I'm here for, understood?
- yes, I understand.
- ok, call me after the interview ok.
- ok, I will give Jiminie a hug for me.
- I will missy, good night.
- you too.
She hung up the phone walking to freshen up.
- I'll just walk up to the convenience store to get water also something to snack on I'll do some grocery shopping tomorrow after the interview.

After a good shower she put some leggings and a sweatshirt walking out the door.
She walked up to the seven eleven around the corner from the apartment complex.
She grabbed water amongst other things then walked back.
As she was walking through the gate she saw a black Mercedes was coming through the gate as well, the driver didn't see her so he almost ran over her.
- we are here boss...
- Junhong watch out!!
He stepped on the breaks quickly.
- you have to pay attention where you are going.
He said getting out of the car.
- aigooyah, I'm sorry boss, I'm so sorry miss, are you ok?

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