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She couldn't comprehend what was going on with Kim Namjoon nevertheless what was going on in his mind.
But she wasn't going to try to figure it out, there was one thing that it dug deeper inside her brain, she was developing feelings also felt attracted to him.
- this can't happen y/n, you can feel attracted to this man.
She scolded herself.
- why did he pay for my stuff?, aigoo this man is driving me crazy.
She cut her thoughts off getting back to work.
After a while she realized that everyone was gone once more.
- aigoo, I let the time slipped away again.
she decided to call it the night, started to pick up her things.
As she began to walk she noticed Mr. Kim coming out of his office.
- miss y/l/n, you still here?
- ahhh Kim Huijang-nim, ne I'm still here, so are you.
- I always stay a little longer to make sure I'm set for in the morning, how about you?
- time just slipped away from me, and I didn't notice it.
- it's my fault again, isn't it?
- oh no, it's my own fault I get caught up in what I'm doing so this is what happens.
- is much later than yesterday.
- it's ok, I'm on my way out now.
- would you like a ride home, since the train stop working a while ago?
- that'd won't be necessary Kim Huijang-nim, I can catch a cab.
- we are going to the same place, can you just accept the ride Miss y/l/n?
She was surprised, he truly lived in the place that Jungkook and Jimin have their place, which she already knew but he just confirmed it to her.
- Kim Huijang-nim, that's not very appropriate, but I appreciate the gesture.
- miss y/l/n, I'm a gentleman, I wouldn't disrespect a lady in any way.
- is not because of you, I just started working here, so I don't think it would look right if I ride in your vehicle.
- no one needs to know if you do miss y/l/n, what anyone else thinks, I could care less.
- I know you could care less, but how about my reputation Kim Huijang-nim?
- aigoo, never mind I understand how you feel forget I asked anything, good night, please be careful going home.
He said walking away from her.
- this man is a Pandora's box, how can I understand him?
She called a cab, finally made it home, she was exhausted, but felt so happy to be at home.
- oh, I'm so glad to be home.
After refreshing herself she walked to the kitchen, she really didn't feel like cooking but she really hasn't eaten anything in the whole day, just some snacks and tea.
She ended up making a sandwich and some tea.
Her phone rang...
It was a face call from Min Yoongi....

It was a face call from Min Yoongi

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- hello brother.
She said with a big smile when she saw his face.
- hello sweetie.
- how are you doing?, I miss you and Hobi so much.
- we miss you too, he is on tour around the country.
- ahh amazing, how about you?
- that's why I was calling you because I'm going to be around you in a week so maybe we can see each other.
- ah, yes Yoongi of course I'll do anything to see you.
- that's great jagi, how is everything working over on the other side of the globe?
- is good brother, lots of work.
- are they treating you right?
- yes, no need of beating up no one Yoongi.
She said between wiggles.
- just making sure sister.
- aigoo, this brother of mine.
- well, I'll get back with you when the day gets closer, get some rest now, you know your brother loves you.
- I know brother, I love you too, take care of yourself.
- you too jagi, sleep well.
- good night brother.
She said hanging up the phone.

Few days later it was finally Friday, it had been a long week.
Fridays were dress down day at the office so y/n couldn't be any happier, she hate it all the dressing up, the heels, she was too excited about dress down Friday.
She chose a pair of distressed jeans paired up white top and a plaid black and white long sleeved shirt, paired with some red chucks.
She put her hair in a messy bun, after a light makeup routine she grabbed all her things walking out the door, she paired the outfit with light ripped jean jacket.
As she was walking down the road Namjoon drove by in his car.
- boss man, there is that lady, should I stop and ask her if she wants a ride?
- no Junhong she won't take it, so don't worry about it.
- boss, do you like this young lady?
- why do you say that?
- I haven't seen you this interest in a female after Jihyo.
- please Junhong don't mention her name, and no, I don't like this young lady, I'm just trying to be a good neighbor I guess.
- with all do respect sir, you don't do neighborly things.
- Junhong please get me to work, huh.
- yes sir.
Junhong had a smile in his face, he knew that his boss was interested in the young lady, but his ego won't allow him to accept it.
As they drove by Namjoon observed her with intensity, her outfit was creating sensations deep within him.
- aish, she is going to kill me slowly, I just don't know how to approach her.
He thought to himself letting out a deep sigh.
After a while y/n made it to the building as she walked to the elevator the doors opened so she walked inside, the doors began to close but one hand stopped them from doing so, quickly she pressed the button so the doors would open back up for the person.
When they opened she thought that she was going to have a heart attack, it was Namjoon, he was dressed down too in the way a CEO would dress down of course, she had seen him in suits, a track suit that day at the park but today he looked killer.

When they opened she thought that she was going to have a heart attack, it was Namjoon, he was dressed down too in the way a CEO would dress down of course, she had seen him in suits, a track suit that day at the park but today he looked killer

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He took his earpiece off slowly the spoke up.
- thank you for holding the elevator, good morning.
He said still not realizing who opened the door for him until he looked.
- ah, miss y/l/n, good morning thanks for holding the door for me.
- good morning, Kim Huijang-nim, no problem.
- how are you doing this morning miss y/l/n?
- I'm good, how about you Kim Huijang-nim?
- I'm good, happy that is Friday, it has been a long week.
- I can say it has Kim Huijang-nim, I can say it has.
He smiled.
- this is the first time that I see this man smiling.
She thought herself, how devastatingly handsome he looks, oh my.
- are you ok miss y/l/n?
- ah yes, I'm sorry Kim Huijang-nim.
- why are you apologizing miss y/l/n?

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