twitter hate<cam

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I was at home on twitter reading all the hate

@Camsprincess: why don't you just kill yourself so everyone can be happy

@cashisrad256:you don't deserve cam why would he like you I mean your ugly

@teamdallas57:it would make my day if I saw you dead on the news

@puma73: stay away from cam he's mine and can do better than you hoe

@camisbeast9273: y/n your nothing but trash you belong in the wild with your gorilla friends

@dallasismine8283: your Only dating cam for his fame and money SLUT

they were everywhere

I can't take it anymore I just want to die

tears were coming uncontrollably down my face they were right I was nothing

I need the pain to go away

I made my way into the bathroom and

got pills I looked at myself in the mirror

this girl was broken hurt and depressed my mascara streaked down my cheeks

my eyes were red and swollen

I don't deserve cam he needs someone better than me

I opened the pills and placed all of them on my hands

right when I was about to swallow them

cam walked in

"hey y/-Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING "he said running over to me and slapping the pills out of my hand

"cam I just want to die let me do it I can't take it anymore "I said crying

"why would you want to do this I can't lose you if I did I would die"he said with tears coming down his face and taking me in a hug

"everyone hates me they want me dead they say I don't deserve you and I dont"I said stepping away

"babe you can't let them get to you I dont want you hurt I love you with all my heart and I don't want anyone else"he Said still crying

I walked to him and pulled him i

in a hug "im sorry"I said crying

cam pulled me up to look at him and placed his hands on both sides of my cheeks

"don't be and if you ever feel like this please come to me I can't lose you please promise to never try this again"he said looking me straight in the eyes

"I promise"I said and cam leaned down to kiss Me his lips are so soft and warm I always feel sparks I can't ever lose him he's my everything

well another imagine done I love doing this

            stay nashty ✌

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