Chapter 0: Preamble

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It was the night of July 5 of the 2012. I was in Dipper and Mabel Pines' room trying to sleep. Since I became immortal, it became some kind of hard to sleep, since I don't really need it so much to recover my forces. But I like to sleep, because it makes me feel human.

All the boys, including Abelardo, Federico, Mew and Dipper where at a different room of the Mystery Shack. Mew, who took the form of a Teddiursa because Mabel wanted, bribery the grand uncle of them, Stanford (well Stanley) Pines, to let us pass a night in the Mystery Shack, because a yeti stole a magic crown that a professor called Simon Petrikov wanted to give to Mew because the dangerous ice powers of the crown and we had to find them, also that Dipper and Mabel offered their help to us and we accepted. I don't know if Abelardo already told you that story.

So, it was hard to me to sleep. Then, I heard voices coming from downstairs.

-"What is that?" I said in my mind

I "accelerated", this to not make perceptible noise for Mabel, Naomi and the others and pass unseen. When I "accelerate" I became very fast and everything seems to move very slowly. I "walked" out of Dipper and Mabel's room and went downstairs. Then, I saw Mew, in his true form, talking to Stanford.

-"What the...!? What's the meaning of all this? Not that Stanley hate Mew because he couldn't return his brother?"- I said in my mind.

I hide behind a wall and "decelerated"., Stanley Pines, be sure to calibrate the portal as the book say. I am pretty sure that the first being that will cross will be your brother- Mew said.

-It doesn't matter. I don't know where the hell the books are!- Stanley said angered.

-You will find them very soon. Don't give up. Dipper and Mabel will help you in that, indirectly of course- Mew said.

-I won't put them in danger!- Stanley said angered.

-They already put themselves in danger. But, they are smart and make a great team- Mew said.

-You only have been with them 1 day...- Stanley said.

-That's true, but they are good kids. However, I warn you, be careful of Bill Cipher- Mew said.

-"Bill Cipher..."- I said in my mind.

Mew told us this in the morning of that day: "When life was beginning to sprout on different planets, Bill Cipher and his friends, who are beings of energy, came out of nowhere and went to destroy them because they thought it was fun. I tried to convince them that it was bad, but they did not listen to me, so, with God's help, I took them out of this plane. Trillions of years later, for the year 10000 a.C. Bill manages to escape in the mental plane of the place where we imprisoned him and began to deceive humans, creating disasters among them. When I find out, I'll return it to its prison dimension again. But, during the time he was here, he managed to leave some prayers that make him again find the way to get here".

I nicknamed him "Don Illuminati". Mew also told to us also that Bill Cipher tricked Stanford to make a portal.

-Bill Cipher?- Stanley said confused.

-Yes, Bill Cipher. He is a triangle pyramid with one eye, a pair of legs, arms, a black top-hat and a black bun. Is because him, in part, that your brother is between realms of the existence- Mew said.

-All this years, I thought that was only my fault. My brother entered into a hell of a problem- Stanley said with a sad tone in his voice.

-So, after you bring your brother back, close the portal to avoid that Bill Cipher cross it. If he does, he will become unstoppable- Mew said.

-Nobody mess with my family. Thanks for your help...sorry about...- Stanley said.

-Don't worry, I have loss so many friends during the pass years and now that I have a family I know what it feels to be impotent to protect your loved ones, knowing that you could do something to save them- Mew said.

I felt sad. I knew very well that feeling. Being impotent. But, when I became immortal, I also became something more than human, stronger than a human. I believed that I lost my humanity that day and became a monster. But my friends don't. Abelardo considered that I was a super human, not a B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapon) and told me to use my powers to help the others. And, that day, we founded the Avengers of the Justice (Los Vengadores de la Justicia in Spanish). We fought and still fighting, saving the world from evil people and beings. We gave justice and hope to the ones that felt impotent.

Then, the pig of Mabel make a noise. I "accelerated" and returned to my bed and "decelerated". I didn't told something the next day. It was something personal of Mew and Stanley.

-"Bill Cipher will loss..."- I said before falling sleep.

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