Chapter 13 - When you looked at me

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She laughs, “I can’t believe you said that. You must be really thirsty.”

She didn’t know that for a human, it’s impossible for us to drink a blood. It might harm us since it’s a different type of blood. However, this is the creepiest thing I found out for myself. I am fond of drinking blood. “What type of blood is this?”

“Is that important?” She thinks, “Well, maybe that’s the case. Type A is the most delicious blood I ever tasted. But the school only gives Type O for us whose part of the low hierarchy of dhampirs. We are at the bottom of dhampir's caste system.” She reminded.

I’m a type O so it’s basically right that I drank this blood who’s the same as mine. But I’m hesitant that the side effects might occur again after this.

“You know what, sometimes being a human is more satisfying than being dhampir.” She confessed.

“And why would you say that?”

She shrugged, “It was my father’s motto.” Her lips curled, “He’s is a human. And I hate it. I hate humans. They are vulnerable, weak and had a critical mind.” I could’ve punch her on the face, but I held it. “Above all, he has a beautiful heart that dhampirs doesn’t have.” Her eyes became gloomy.

“He is the human I know who has a beautiful heart. A kind of caring heart that I envy. I wanted him to last long as I am, but he is selfish.”

“Why do you say so?”

“He has an illness. A cancer, it’s a worst enemy for humans that living inside their body, strangling them hard, until they’re out of breathe and die helplessly.” Her eyes became blurry it’s like she’s holding her tears.

“I hated him for keeping it a secret from me until he's being swallowed by that parasites living in his body like they owned it. I wanted him to be cured. I wanted him to turn into dhampir like me. But he insisted that I should not make his life complicated. That I should not waste the God’s beautiful creation of a human life. And I should not be selfish and let him taste what it’s like to die a normal and beautiful life.” She narrated with gloomy tone. Her voice was stuttering and shaking.

“Where is he now?”

“I left him somewhere safe. I need to find that Golden Blood—I mean that Goblin. And tell her to help me just this once and I will help her with anything. I can even protect her forever.” She sniffed and cleared her throat. "I need to find her before anyone else could use it for their own good.” She holds my hand. “Please, help me with this one.”

I sighed and nodded afterwards, “We need to get hurry.”

“Wait, I barely drink mine.” She protests.

“You can drink while we run.” I suggested.

While we’re running into the woods, I began to feel much stronger than before. I can see clearly, and my nerves were getting back to normal. As if I was already full without taking any human food.

My mind become alive again feeling resuscitated. Then I began to question myself, am I really a human? Why do I feel like drinking blood is the greatest thing I’ve done in my life? Raya would kill me if he knew about it. Troy shouldn’t know about this too and everyone closes to me.


I startled as I heard Czarina shouted. I saw her keep still as she looked on the ground where she’s standing. She bends down and took something. “I think this belongs to her.”

I marched toward her. She gave me the thing that she saw, and my eyes widened as I saw a familiar bracelet.

“This is hers,”  

She's Alice LunaWhere stories live. Discover now