Chapter 24- The Truth

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"If you are really glad, why did you brought me to this dungeon?"

"It's not that I wanted you to stay here forever. It's just... I wanted you to meet someone." He came closer as he reach for my cheek. And for a second, I couldn't move. "But what's more important is that I can sense that you feel burden of what's happening around you. You may seem to feel like everyone is kept watching over you. As if someone just trying to pass all responsibility without even thinking if you like it. It really hurts. I can't bare it too. Honestly, I know what you're feeling right now."

I was stunned by his words. He is right. I can't even say anything. "Maybe you're asking how did you kill all of them without you even knowing? Well, I guess I could help you with that." I looked up to him. "I can make you remember everything that happened. Do you want that?"

"Yes, please" I begged.

"That's very submissive of you. I like that."

The bald one came closer as he unlocks the chain and the door opens. He also broke the silver chain in my hands so I stand up and get out from the dungeon. The emperor then wraps his hand on my waist as he escorts me outside. I turned around to see the woman I've been talking to. I saw her from the other side looking down with his gray long and curly hair all over her face. She never look up to see me. I turned back as the emperor held my face.

I wanted to know the truth. About me. About why this happening to me, of all people whose capable, I want to know why me?

I was placed in the aisle facing the golden chair at the center. The emperor then came forward and seated.

"Well then, your wish will be granted provided that you will grant mine."

"What do you want? My blood?"

He laughs, "Of course, but I want more than that." I didn't replied. "But before I could give you mine, I will grant what you wanted."

After what he said, someone came toward me. Then my eyes widened as I saw her coming near me with a smile on her face.

"What are you doing here, Sabel?" I asked with my teeth grinding.

"Isn't it your question is lighter than what I thought? You should ask me, what did I do to that old man?" Before I could say anything, she grabs my neck and dragged closer to her. "That old man is such a waste of time. Unluckily, even when he's trying to protect you, you still went here. He's just wasting his life into nothing."
I pushed her hard that made her fled to the corner. But she easily stands and laughs. "You cannot run away from me, my niece."

I hissed and went into to her. "What did you do to him?" I screamed. Before I could land some punches, there are men who grabs me. I tried to get away but they are too strong.

"I just gave him peace of mind. You know, he's too old to look and protect you. It'll be hard for him to know that even he fights for your safety, you are still here." She walks closer to me as she brushed her hand unto my face. "You and mother were really alike: pathetic, weak and a murderer!" I tried to get away with the men who grabs me but I can't.

"Sabel, don't be too harsh to your neice." The emperor command her and so the men stops, freed me. Sabel turned around to the emperor.

"My apology, I just couldn't stop myself missing her, this much." She then turned to me, "However, I should thank you for giving me an eternity the moment you give me your blood, I gained something special. Do you want to see?" Before I could stop her, her hands were already wrap to my face and within a second, my vision turned black as if my mind was controlled by someone. I suddenly saw a flash of memories in my head. A glimpse of the memories I never thought I could imagine myself to become what they called, a murderer.

I saw a young girl, looking at the mirror fixing her hair. Her curled golden hair was neatly place at the back. She was outstandingly beautiful. I was standing above the branches of a tree waiting for the right time to kill her with my bow. My eyes were flashing a golden light and I was acting as if I was someone else. I saw her neck with a two dotted like a scar and I smelled the blood of a dhampir.

I felt horribly warm like a boiling water. My eyes were focus on her and the urge to kill her escalates. I raised my bow and focus the arrow on her neck ready to pull the trigger. On a blink of an eye, she fell on the floor.

My vision distorted for a few seconds and then it came back with a new scenario. It was I who was walking along the hallway with my eyes flashes golden light as I became another person holding a golden dagger. I was walking to somewhere my mind tells me. I came into the men's locker room and saw a young man wearing senior uniform banging his closet. He looked like he was angry. It was then he look at me and his eyes widened.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Because you just stole something from me."


"My blood." I started smashing the dagger on his heart which made his blood splatter on my face. He fell and die. The last thing I did was to pierce the dagger through his heart, mercilessly I leave him as soon as I confirmed he's dead.

The memories then moved to a new scene where I killed Lux and when I almost killed Czarina's father.
The memory lane ended after Czarina looked at me frightened. I then heard Sabel laugh hard. "Isn't she your friend? Then why she's scared of you?" I became weak while my vision was on Czarina's eyes feeling frightened of what I became after I gave her father my blood and turned into a monster like everyone knew.

"Seeing the truth is very hard what more is when you learn that you are a murderer? Those people you killed will hunt you to the very end of your life. This is because your mother just gave you the curse you never wish to have."

I stared at her with my eyes crying. She then looked at me with pity. "The real reason why you killed them is because your mother is controlling you." She put her hand on my chest, "Deep within your soul. And there is only one thing to stop her." Sabel then gave a glare to the emperor.

"I've given you enough opportunity to see everything you haven't seen yet. The memories that your mother has kept away from you. It's my decision to give you a chance to see the truth so you can make judgement for yourself." He stops as he gazes to the door which opens and there I saw a woman with her hands cuffed and two men behind pushing her forward. My eyes widened as I learned that she's the woman whom I'm talking to in the dungeon.

While looking at her, I noticed my heart can't stop aching. It's as if, I was looking to someone I knew. Memories then flash to a photograph that was glued into the wall in an abandoned pavilion. She came closer to the center near the emperor. Two men made her kneel down facing me. She look at me with calmness in her eyes.

"The greatest thing a mother can do to his daughter is to give her the power to lead on her own, isn't it?"
I barely move while looking to her, she is too.

"Selene, how can't you just say nothing to your daughter who you didn't meet for seventeen years?" Sabel asked.


The emperor walked near me, I looked at him as I saw he's holding a sword. Not just an ordinary sword. It releasing a golden light. "I humbly grant your request and you already get you what you want. Now, it's time that you will grant mine." He raises the sword to give to me. I just look at it with curiosity in my eyes.

"Kill your mother."

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