Δ. Once Upon a Dream.

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Danny was dreaming, he was almost certain of it. He was somewhat lucid in that he knew that it was a dream. But he wasn't able to control it, wasn't able to control himself. He was lying on his bed, Sam and Tucker lying with him as he painted symbols on the floor around his bed in black ink. "What is this?" He asked as he painted another symbol. They were back to looking like their scrawny 14 year old selves.

"Ancient Greek silly. Pandora says it wards off bad spirits." Sam said flipping through her Goth Teen magazine. "Or was it bad romance..."

"Like the Lady Gaga song?" Tucker asked glancing up from his PDA. Danny shrugged as he painted more black symbols. "You can't keep hiding you know." Tucker said suddenly, making Danny pause. "They'll find out eventually."

Before he could respond Sam sat up, her magazine had somehow switched to a vegetarian weekly magazine. "You're going to be late for drama class."

"I've never taken drama..." Danny said with a frown, turning back to writing symbols, seemingly not affected by the fact his floor was now infested with worms. He merely painted over them.

"You'll be late." Tucker repeated and Danny looked away from his symbols again to see the two were their 16 year old selves again.

"I'm always late though." He said unfazed, and the duo nodded. He always was, that was true.

"You don't want to be late today." Sam mused, her magazine was now a book titled 'When Goths ruled the world'. He wondered if it was a good book. Knowing Sam it probably was. She had a good taste in reading material. She looked at Danny seemingly bathed in light that made her look like she was angelic. "You're not worried?"

"I'm never worried with you guys." He said softly.

"You don't know if we'll always be there." Tucker said sitting up as well.

"They're going to find out you know. About the real you." Sam added.

"I don't have time to think about that." Danny began to paint the symbols on Sam's arm. "You know I have to go fight Skulker."

"Are you going to finish in time for class?" Sam said watching him paint the ink up her arms in ancient symbols.

He shrugged as he delicately brushed the ink over her skin. "I can be late."

"You might miss something important." Tucker said, having picked up a brush, painting symbols on Danny's back, his shirt suddenly missing. Danny put down his brush, watching as Sam picked it up and began to brush the symbols on his cheek in small curling lines.

"I don't want to leave here." He murmured turning his head to look at Cujo who was chewing on a squeaky toy that made no squeak.

Sam leaned closely as she painted a symbol on his eyelid. "Why not?" She breathed.

"I'm safe here." He breathed as Tucker settled on the floor with Cujo, the bed moved as Sam shifted closer.

"They are going to learn the truth." She whispered and then after a pause added. "You're late."

He stood, his feet touching the ground, worms squirming out of his path, parting like he was their king. He pushed open the door, bathed in light he turned back to his friends, they were back on the bed, painting symbols on each other and Cujo. "It's so bright." He said, turning back to the light. He stepped through and was walking through the halls of Casper High. He made his way to his locker, running into Sidney and Mikey on his way. The nerd and ghost nerd started to trail behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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