Chapter 20

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It was a silent ride back. I'm kind of glad Robin and Gemma didn't come to "greet" me when Michael was there. It was awkward as hell with just mum. I can't imagine it with Robin or even Gemma being there as well. But I guess, they could have seen how good Michael is to me. How he treats me, and how he cares about me. When I think about it, I rely on Michael far too much. I can't stand to be away from him. I could have called one of the girls before but I called Michael. Lucky he came... I was worried I was going to tell him I love you over the phone, and trust me, I was.

I lean against the window. If I was still with Daniel and Robin knew what he was doing.. Would they treat me any different? Like Harry did at the start? What if I was still treated the same? And mum wasn't nice to me anymore? What if she loved Daniel, like she used too, and didn't care that her daughter was in danger? Maybe Harry is the decent one in the family. I mean, he's famous! And what am I? A high school drop out with no dreams?

I feel the car stop, which causes my thoughts to stop. For now at least. I get out and follow the boys inside the building. They haven't left, I thought. I sigh and fix my bag on my shoulder as we wait for the elevator. I don't feel like talking. As much as I need to, I don't want to. We walk into the elevator, and I slump against the wall. I left my suitcase at mum's with Harry.


"What's up?" Ashton asks me. I shift my gaze up to look at the curious boy.

"Harry has my suitcase" I groan. Michael laughs.

"Do you think that's funny?" I ask.

"No. Absolutely not" Michael clears his throat. I step out of the elevator when it gets to out floor. I head straight to where Luke and Ashleigh are staying. I knock on their door and wait for an answer. It opens, revealing a shirtless Luke.

"Hi. Ashleigh here?"

"She's in the shower" I nod and walk in.

"Why?" Luke asks closing the door.

"I left my clothes with mum" I mumble.

"That didn't go well?" I shake my head.

"Nope" I reply flopping onto the bed.

"Luke? Oh hi Georgia" I look up to Ashleigh.

"What's up?"

"Can I borrow some clothes until I get my suitcase back?" I ask.

"Sure. Why? What happened to yours?" She asks.

"I left it at mum's with Harry" I reply. She nods and sits beside me.

"Where's Michael?" I shrug. She sighs.

"Well how about when we get to Paris, you girls can go on a shopping trip" Luke suggests. I nod and so does Ashleigh.

"I can't wait!"


"You mad at me?" Michael asks I slip into a pair of boxers, which are too big, and a shirt from Michael. I shake my head.

"No. Why would you think that?"

"You've been ignoring me" I climb into bed.

"I don't mean too. I just... I'm still thinking about home" I mumble snuggling into Michael's chest. He wraps his arms around my body, holding me secure against his body.

"Ignore them baby" Michael whispers.

"Mum acted so weird. She loved Daniel. I-I didn't understand why she was like that" I mumble, running my hand up and down his chest, drawing random patterns.

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