MountainRange Allegiances

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Leader: Mountain Heart- Handsome silver tod with ocean blue eyes

Deputy: White Snow- Pure White tod with brown striped ears and green eyes

Healer: Autumn Wind- Gray vixen with Amber eyes

Survivors: (tods and vixens without pups)

Swallow Flash- an orange tod with ice blue eyes

Root Pelt- tanish gray vixen with green eyes

Heather Heart- beautiful creamy brown vixen with Amber eyes

Fallow Bird- beige and ginger colored tod with Pine green eyes

Snow Leap- pretty white vixen with black ears with hazel eyes

Ice Leap- blue gray tod with splashes of white with sky blue eyes

Frozen Wind- blue gray vixen with white spots with brown eyes

Fox Head- red orange tod with Amber eyes

Beetle Fur- brownish tan tod with Amber eyes

Jump Fire- reddish brown tod with grass green eyes

Apprentice, Scarred Paw

Crystal Tail- white blue vixen with silver eyes

Shining Crystals- beautiful tan vixen with silver eyes

Sycamore Pelt- handsome creamy brown tod with Amber eyes

Apprentice, Red Paw

Plum Heart- black vixen with creamy spots with hazel eyes

Apprentice, Owl Paw

Birch Claw- creamy tan tod with brown eyes

Apprentice, Orange Paw

Juniper Pelt- Juniper colored tod with Light green eyes

Pup-Mothers: (any vixens expecting or nursing pups)

Mist Star- blackish blue gray vixen with a white tail tip with blue eyes mother to Jump Fire's pups: Frog, (Gray tod with green eyes) and Black, (black vixen with silver eyes)

Cherry Fur- creamy tan vixen with Pine green eyes mother to Juniper Pelt's pups: Bee, (an ugly scarred tod with weird looking stripes) and Pool, ( Silver vixen with green eyes and white stripes)

Sapphire Light- beautiful bramble colored vixen expecting Ice Leap's pups


Owl Paw- Pretty creamy tannish brown vixen

Scarred Paw- a scarred brown vixen with blood shot eyes

Orange Paw- orange red tod with Amber eyes

Red Paw- red tod with teal eyes


Badger Whisker- beige and brown tod with silver eyes

Doe Foot- doe colored vixen with blueberry blue eyes

Sorrel Wing- cream and beige vixen with a black tail and Amber eyes

Sparrow Fern- a sparrow colored tod with Pine green eyes


Leader: Small Heart- Small tan and cream vixen with blue eyes

Deputy: Dew Drops- black tod with a brown tail and green eyes

Healer: Turtle Pelt- brown- black- white vixen with speckles and hazel eyes

Apprentice, One Paw

Fox Tales Book 2: Ranges CollideWhere stories live. Discover now