Chapter 1: Her Name Is Nobody

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May 01, 2014

Dear No One,

My name is Sully Kim but most people know me as Sully and by most people, I mean my drug addict mother, my psychotic father, my compassionate-yet-dumbass sister, Jin-Ri Kim a.k.a Jenny Kim and my lovely best friend who had has my back since middle school, Demi-Jewel Rae Turner. Yes. Those few people are the only people who know including the people I talk to at the stores I go shopping at but they're not as important as my friends and family who are always there even though sometimes they suck. Yeah...I know I just said that but they say that to me too. None of us don't mind at all.

At Montgomery High School, I am nobody because no one notices me or seems to notice me. When I speak, they act like they're hearing voices and when I wave, they say that they thought they saw a ghost waving at them. Rude aren't they? I don't seem to mind. I stopped minding after middle school when I knew that there was going to be a whole lot more drama in high school. In middle school, I had two best buddies who I trust wouldn't ignore me- Demi-Jewel a.k.a DJ and Remington Lucas Franklin a.k.a Remi Luke- bad boy an oh-so Mr. Popular of Montgomery High School. I don't think Remi remembers me anymore. He moved to a different state during the summer of our freshman year. If I ever see him again, I don't think he'd talk to me because I am nobody. Her- my name is nobody.

I took up writing in this old scrappy journal so I don't she anyone or talk to anyone especially the teachers at Montgomery High School who tell me to interact and socialize. I socialize but only with a few people's those are my conditions and with no exceptions. I have to go now. I am being called to the office. I can hear my classmates laughing...and I thought I was invisible to them. Idiots. Well bye! :-)




"Sully Kim! Please report to the office right away!" Principal Browne yelled through the microphone that announced to every class and every part in the high school. Yes. I am talking about the restrooms also. Its really funny having an announcement system inside the bathroom but you get used to it. "Please bring your things also!"

I put my scrappy old black journal along with my favorite blue pen into my blackmessenger back then got out of my seat and headed out the door. The office was right across from my class so I didn't have to walk all across the hall or downstairs like some people who have classes far from the office. I walked in and sat down next to a boy who had shades and a black beanie on. What a dooshbag...thinking he's so cool.

I really hated people who dressed like they were all that when they weren't. It disgusted me and I pitied them when I knew I shouldn't have.I put my bag in between us right next to his blue backpack and leaned back in my seat closing my eyes only to be bothered a few seconds later by the dude next to me. Are you serious right now?!

"What is it?" I asked him and he looked under his shades at me.

"Are you talking to me?" he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Well...duh!" I exclaimed whispering under my breath.

"I didn't say anything," he answered.

"Then shut up will you?" I asked angrily. He was ruining my resting period.

"Why you gotta be so rude?" he sung and I laughed a bit but only to myself. This guy is also a joker, aye? Not for long.

"Sully, the principal will see you now," the secretary said opening up the door to the principal's office.

When I walked in, I saw principal Browne sitting crossed legged behind her desk, busily occupying herself on her iPhone and MacBook. When I first came into her office, she gave me detention for just saying that I disliked Apple very much. Stupid isn't it? Giving a student detention for saying something against Apple. I'm eighteen and I do have the right to my opinion. She was wearing one if those dresses that old people wear which made me smirk. I wanted to laugh but I knew I would get detention for doing so. Ugh...

When she finally noticed that I was in the room, she looked up and smiled at me. What fakeness, I thought as she told me to sit down at either one of the seats in front of her desk. I did, setting my bag aside next to the seat I was sitting in. She put her electronics away then folded her hands in front of her. I crossed my legs like a girl would when it seemed uncomfortable and put on a fake and pathetic smile.

"How's everything going for you, Sully?" Principal Browne asked.

"Everything is going well, Principal Browne," I answered. "What is it that you wanted to see me for?"

"I was wondering if you could show a returning student of ours around. I'm afraid he doesn't remember his way around the school anymore since he's been gone for a few years. If it isn't a bother, could you show him around?" Principal Browne asked in a begging manner which out a mischievous smile on my face ka managed to mask with a fake genuine smile I perfected with time.

"Sure. But who's the student?" I asked curiously wiping the smile off my face as she got up from her seat over to her door and opening it slightly so she could stick her head out.

"Oh, I think you know him...Remi!" she yelled and I widened my eyes as the boy who sat next to me came walking in, taking off his sunglasses.

Suddenly, I got hit with a sudden flashback of a boy I used to know. His name as I mentioned in my diary was Remi or that's what everyone usually called him. I also called him Remi but sometimes when I was pissed at him, I called him by his full first name - Remington. When his sunglasses were finally off, I could finally recognize those same blue eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes that made my stomach twist and turn because of the hatred I was able to grow against him.

"Remi??!!" I said raising my voice in the head like it was a question.

"Well...hello there Sully, my love. How you've been these past few years?" he asked with his annoying British accent.

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