Youth Endings

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It pains me the most: time. I know that one day I'll be trapped, I won't have this, this freedom. That's why I'm making sure to act my age. Act younger and younger. I used to want to read documentaries, just to feel like an adult, I had to rebel again and again, That's all I've wanted to be: An adult. Now I'm here. And now I'm scared. Can time stop? Can we keep this moment a bit longer? You and I, that's the one thing I dont want to ever lose. When the day comes that I bury myself once again, in all these and all these due dates, I want to know that I will still have you.

I'm scared, you know. I'm scared of burning. We will be so unsure and so new to this life that we will wonder why we are, who we are and what we are doing. We are caught up in these things. I always thought being older would have been nice but
when will we have time to grow up? Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. There's so much but we always seem to run out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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