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They were all on the training ground when they arrived, and going by the sweaty bodies, they had been in training for some time.  Watching on as they were taken through their martial arts routines, Bai Qian began to truly regret what had happened.  They all seemed to be back to how they were when she met them, and several of them had a few days stubble on their faces, so it looked as if they were growing their beards back too which she was happy about.

"I should never have made them cut off their beards." she whispered to herself.

Hearing her, he didn't say anything as he led her towards his Generals who had not yet noticed their approach until they were almost beside them.

"Lord Ye Hua", they both bowed low before turning to her, but the moment their eyes locked onto her face, the stuttering and stammering began.

Holding in the urge to laugh, Ye Hua introduced her which only increased their stuttering, but managing to get out a respectful greeting they then turned towards his men.  Several of them had by that stage noticed them, or rather Bai Qian, and though no order was given for them to stop, they continued, but many missed the rhythm that had been set for their training and fell out of line.

Giving the order to stop and assemble, they waited until they were all in their places.  Standing before them, it was the first time she realized just how orderly their placements were.  The lines they formed were dead straight and perfectly symmetrical and being at the very front, she was able to see all of their faces, including Tai and Xuebao, her two friends she had made almost immediately.

"In just over a week, our new recruits from Qing Qiu will be arriving, so I expect you all to welcome them into the fold and guide them through the transition.   For many of them, it will be the first time to The Heavenly Palace let alone outside of their own lands, as I am sure it was the same for many of you, so I expect to see you all assisting them when they arrive.  There will also be a rearranging of placements within your own tents to fit them in, but seeing as it's only going to be for two weeks, it shouldn't be too much of a burden."  He said as they all sat quietly and listened.

Then turning towards her, he took her hand and led her forward.  It was obvious to Ye Hua that they were all awestruck and not just by her exquisite features either, but also the fact that a woman was on their training grounds.  Not that it was against the rules, it wasn't, it was just no place for a woman, and going by her dress and over robe, this was no ordinary woman either.

"Men.  This is Queen Bai Qian of Qing Qiu." he introduced her, which immediately had jaws dropping at the introduction.  If anything, these men knew more  gossip about this woman than Ye Hua, and it was definitely playing out in their minds at that moment.

Waiting until they had all bowed respectfully, Ye Hua then informed them that she was there to address them personally, which had quite a few shifting uncomfortably.  This was out of the ordinary, and several were wondering what it was about Qing Qiu that had brought too much unusual activity and excitement to their encampment in such a short space of time.

Moving forward, she looked out towards the back rows.  "Can you all hear me." she asked as loud as she could, which gained a united 'Yes" in return.

Then slowly she began to wander in amongst them until she was standing in the middle of them all, which had them all shifting their positions to face her.  "I realize that what I am about to say, will come as a shock to all of you, but just a few short days ago, I was here among you training.  At that time, you all knew me as Zian."

If she had hoped for a reaction, she certainly got one.  Quietly and unmoving, she stood among them with her hands joined in front of her, as the shock hit them immediately.  There were stunned gazes,  fits of coughing, gargled voices that were attempting to verbalize their scrambled thoughts, and protruding eyes that couldn't blink as they all stared up at her speechless.

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