Happy Pills (another short story)

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This one was kinda messily written and I dont think its that good but ill put it here anyway this was also for the project but i did this one more last minute

I walked through the streets on a chilly Sunday night observing all the people who were still out. They was something obviously wrong with them, as everyone around me always did. They had wide smiles on their faces, happy but not in a natural way. I was the only one who was on the streets who didn't have a huge smile on their face. Which constantly reminded me of my mistakes that I will never  forgive myself for.

I had worked in a government lab creating this plague of a pill. I wanted to help people, but all they wanted was control. I had planned on making these pills a cure for things like depression. But they kept their actual motives from me, it was too late before I found out.
I had told them that the pills were too strong to put out into the public but they didn't care. That was exactly what they wanted to happen. They took every citizen one by one giving them these pills that had barely any testing done on them and gave it to the public. Causing a raise in dopamine in the brain causing even worse issues. The people on the streets have grown insane, yet nobody seemed to care. There had been rumors floating around that I disagreed with this, I had to leave.

I removed myself from the lab and went home.

"Danny? I'm home!" I knocked on the front door excited to see my husband.

I assumed since he was my spouse he wouldn't have to take the pills. I was incredibly worried. Praying that he was ok. I opened the door to see a huge smile on his face.

"Honey you're home!" He grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss. I laughed nervously trying to hide my worry.

He started laughing as well a bit longer than he should've.

"Are you alright Dan?" I ask him.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine! I just missed you so, so much!" He laughed hugging me tightly.

I felt a bit better but I still felt wary of this but I tried to suppress my worries and enjoy time with my husband. We did all the things we used to do before I left to work, we watched movies, we went to get smoothies, we danced for hours in the backyard with only the light of a small bonfire. For once, I felt like everything was ok. But I started paying attention and noticed his constant fidgeting. He couldn't sit still. I started getting anxious.

"Are you sure you're alright honey?"

"O-of course I am my sweet Evelyn! I've never been better in my entire life!" he told me in a bit more frantic tone.

I looked him in the eyes. "Dan, calm down." I said in stern voice. But on the inside I was terrified.

He was still smiling but I knew in his eyes, he was scared too. "I-I can't."

I hugged him never wanting to let him go.

When Danny went to sleep, I lie awake. I know everybody is going to get worse, and I know that the government isn't going to care. but I know there's nothing I could do.

As months went by, I became more paranoid. I decided to move away from the area to a more secluded place with Dan. Keeping an eye out for anyone following us. Eventually his condition was getting worse. He was showing more and more signs of insanity. Meanwhile I was having mental issues myself, I was growing tired of seeing all these smiling faces, while all I could think about is how worrying this is. I felt tempted myself to take one, to erase my problems. I thought of how Dan and I could be together happy forever. But I knew I had to stay strong and take care of him. Until one day, I heard a knock at the door of our little cabin in the woods.

"Excuse me, does an Evelyn Ross live here?" the man in a black suit at the door asked.

"Yes that is me." I told him nervously.

"You need to come with us. "

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"The president as well as the head of your project want to speak with you."

"Listen I'm done with that, I was never a part of spreading the pills around."

"That is not what they want you for. Just get in the car with me."

"What about my husband?"

"He'll be fine. Just make sure he knows you're leaving."

I followed him to the car and after several hours of driving and a plane ride. I was at the white house. standing outside the oval office.

"You may come in Mrs. Ross." The guard told me as he held open the door.

"Thank you."

"So, Mrs. Ross, you disagree with our project?" The President questioned me as I sat down.

I tried to stay as relaxed as I could but a rush of fear and anger ran through me, "Of course I oppose to this! How can you not see how wrong this is!"

"Calm down now Mrs. Ross, keep this professional."

"NO, THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE GOING COMPLETELY INSANE OUT THERE HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!" I slammed my hands on the desk, "I've seen it in my husband! He's been getting worse and worse everyday because you decided to spread my unfinished, just BARELY tested pills! Your citizens are in pain Mr.President all you did was paint smiles on their faces."

"Exactly, the plan was to make the people mentally weak, and easy to control." He said sounding more devious.

"You're out of your mind!"

"Well there's nothing you can do about it." he smirked as the guard grabbed my arm.

"W-what are you doing!?" I cried out as i struggled to get myself out of the guard's clutches but he was too strong.

"We don't want you getting in our way Mrs. Ross. Guards, take care of her."

and the guards pulled me away out of the room. Nobody could help me now. Who knows what they'll do to me....

This one is actually really gross and I hate it

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