To whom it may concern: Z

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You are amazing and I love you dearly. I have no clue what my highschool life would be like without you. There would be no one to randomly call me about their crushes. Someone I can just listen to while they talk when I'm feeling depressed. I appreciate you so much and I hope you know that. You are kind and you don't think it's weird to read fan fiction...hell you've written fan fiction. I love you because you are hilarious and make me smile. Though you make many sexual jokes, you ablilty to make me laugh never faulters. I've never really understood what a friend really is until I met you. A friend has eachothers back and doesn't lie or talk trash. A friend respects differences and quirks and appreciates the other person. So thank you for not being a snake beacuse I honestly did not need that in my life. I love you so much which is why it pains me to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't make jokes that make you laugh. I'm sorry I'm awkward as hell and don't know what to do when you ask for advice. The only thing I can really do is be there for you. Which I've kinda sucked at lately. There's been a barrier that has recently sprung up between us and I'm not sure if you notice it or not. I want you to know that it's not you, it's me. I've been going through so many thoughts and it's not a good place for me but I'm realising that I am happier when I'm with people who care (you and C). That sounds selfish but believe me, I care very deeply for you which is kinda why I've been distant I guess. I want us to be us again and I'll try to stop being awkward because it's really messing me up man. 

Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that and for some reason, everything I want to say comes out better on my computer and I know you were probably expecting this to be a fan fiction I'm sorry but I gotchu...

Harry was searching the dining hall for Draco's blonde hair. He was going to pay for the past few days. If Draco thinks he can just ignore Harry and get away with it he's got another thing coming. Once Draco was spotted, Harry threw him up against the wall...;)

"IF YOU EVER AND I MEAN EVER USE MY LAVENDER SOAP AGAIN, I WILL KILL YOU SO HARD YOU'LL DIE!" Harry screamed at a scared and confused Draco....

YOu CAn wrITe tHe rESt BRo

To Whom It May ConcernWhere stories live. Discover now