A Couple Of Crushes Blushes (3)

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*(3rd Person P.O.V)*

Dawn looked at UNi "What do you need me for?" Bri tapped Dawn's shoulder "Hey! I'm Bri!!" Dawn looked at Bri and smiled "Hello, I'm Daw-" The teacher yelled loudly interrupting Dawn. "ALRIGHT CLASS ZIP IT I'M MS. LOUD, DON'T QUESTION MY SOFT GENTLE VOICE, I'LL BE THE QUIETEST TEACHER YOU KNOW!!!1!!" Then class started.

*-~Very very very very short time skip because conflict and crushes must happen~-*

Dawn left the class with UNi by his side, Bri left with Ashlie earlier,  UNi then got lifted in the air. "Hey, four-eyes stop talking to my boyfriend." Dawn immediately got mad.. His boyfriend?! Dawn spoke "I'm not yours! Put UNi down! I'm not afraid to fight you!" Whoever that person was dropped UNi to the ground and walked up to Dawn. "Not afraid? Fine then. In the back of school, when it's over. If I win you're mine. If I lose that giraffe kid keeps you." Dawn wasn't afraid. He was a robot, "I'll be there!"

UNi got up when they left and turned the Dawn, "What the heck? I can't lose you Dawn! I've had you since I was 9!" That's right. UNi built Dawn when he was 9, he had the mind of a 77 year old. "You won't lose me UNi! I promise!" Dawn said determined.

*(???'s P.O.V)*

I know Dawn loves that giraffe kid, it's obvious. I just need a way to get them together. No, I don't like Dawn. I'm going to forfeit and figure out what to do next to make sure they are together.

*(Cory's P.O.V)*

I met this girl her name is Shelby,  quite the squeaker I must say but she let's me make fun of her. "So Corryyy" Shelby spoke. Oh god she wants sonething..  "Yeeessss?? " Whatever she wants better be good. "Do you like anyonee?! " I feel my face turn red but, I can still deny. "O-Of c-course n-not! " I stutter like the freak I am. "OOOoohh~ denial means yes!" Shelby screamed making my ears bleed."S-So what if I do?! You probably do!" For all I knew she could like someone too, "Don't make this about me Crater! Who is it?!" She wanted to know?! I know I'm going to end up telling her anyways so might as well.

"Bri Breezey." Shelby's mouth dropped at that moment "Bri?! You're serious?!?! " Ms. Nosy is available everyone... No? Me neither. "Yeah now shut it. " She did shut it... For a minute. "So what's so special about Bri? " Shelby asks ruining the silence. "I don't know... When I saw her I felt like something clicked.. " I hear her repeat 'clicked'. "Can you define your definition of 'click' for me?"

*(Nick's P.O.V)*

I was leaving school early, no I didn't get picked up. I was just leaving.. Until someone grabbed my hand."Hey, where are you going?!" I freeze  thinking it's a teacher. "Um...I'm just-" I get turned around and see Tom. "Leaving? You don't wanna watch?" I was only centimeters away from his face. I was REALLY close, "Uh.. W-Watch what?" I guess Tom forgot how close he was to me since he pushed away and rubbed the back of his neck. Embarrassed I guess. "Yeah t-they're saying there's g-going to be a f-fight.." A fight? Between who? If it's Mousie again I swear.

(Mousie isn't bad, she is just incredibly stupid and accepts the fights, so Nick helps  just ends it.)

"B-Between t-this sohpmore and a junior,  they say the sophomore i-is robot... But I'm s-sure those are rumors.. " Tom rambled on. Why's he so nervous?

*(Ashlie's P.O.V) *

I was walking with Bri when I was Jon from the corner of my eye. I gasped scaring Bri. "JON! " I yell grabbing Bri and running towards him. He turned around in time, because I jumped on him, hugging him. "Calm down Atlie!" Jon said as he hugged back I suddenly hear Bri's whisper, "jonnnshlieeee" I stopped hugging Jon as turned to Bri "Corrrrbriiiiii" I whisper back. She folded her arms and gave me that look telling me, 'say it again and die!'

I hear Jon faintly sing something, "you have no control, who lives, who dies, who tells your story.. " I turn to him and he continues without noticing me.."Every other founding father story gets told. Ever other founding father gets to grow old." He raised his voice a bit making himself easier to hear, "but when you're gone who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame? Who tells your storyy...?" Then he stopped, noticing me and Bri where there still. (I have issues help)

"I-I'm sorry I know I-Im not that good at singing, don't judge me.. " He said face bright pink. Bri looked at me worried. "Jon, we won't judge you. You're a beautiful singer.." I say hugging Jon again. "Yeah Jon, you're great! " Bri says. "Thanks but no need to-" I stop hugging him and innterup him knowing what he'll say "No lie Jonathan! I love the way you sing!" Jon was now a dark red color. "You love him in general too!" Bri comments "quietly."

870 words... Wowie

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