Chapter 1:Joining&Training

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You were standing in the middle of nowhere, with hundreds of other trainees in rows.
"WHAT IS YOUR NAME CADET?!" The man in front of you had a bald head and he was simply dark skin-toned, from being in the sun way too much.
"Cadet {first name} {last name}." You saluted him and you said the three words calmly. Why? Because you were not afraid of this shit hole. He just tries to act big, you thought to yourself. Tries to scare everyone shitless and tries to be a man. Tch so many assholes, so little time.
"AND WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE CADET {last name}!?" You thought your eardrums would break from just how loud he spoke.
"I am here to avenge my sister, Petra Ral age 19. She died in combat protecting humanity's last hope," You clenched your fists tight. It hurt you to talk about her and in front of all theses people? It was hell. "And she was in Squad Levi. But, I am here to train, learn and fight. I will use all of these skills to beat and kill the Titan race. And, that's all that needs to be said." You stared straight forward into the old man's eyes for a while before he finally answered, but it wasn't a yell. His voice was just raised.
"You would make a fine solider in The war against Titan and Man." And then he made his way over to torture some other kid's life with yelling and screaming.
After a few hours, you went back to your dorm and changed into a tragically non-fitting shirt for dinner.
You walked into the mess hall and sat down near a window, away from the crowd as always.
Your mind started to drift back to your dead sister.
Her smile.
Her hair.
Her smell.
Her presence.
And now? Well it was all damn gone.
Dinner had been dismissed and you were walking back to your room when a girl tackled you.
"Oh my god! I am so so sorry, {first name}!" Her face was placed in a smile and she was scratching the back of her neck awkwardly.
"Where did you come from?" You mainly wanted to know because you were not only curious but you wanted to make sure she wasn't stalking you.
"Oh! My name is {Best friend's name}! And I was trying to find my cat, {cat name}." Well, that's a convenient answer.
"Well, I'll see you around camp {best friend's name}." You had a feeling this girl would be the death of you.
"Yeah, Bye!" and the girl ran off.

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