The Climb

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Yo!..... fuck you, yelled Anthony as the class started up the hallway. I looked and shook my head as he began to laugh. I turned and thought about how cute he was as we walked. The thought soon vanished as I ran into my friends.

Lunch went by like it always does, laughter, food, and serious conversation about what we were doing after school or for the weekend. the rest of the day went by slowly, who knew two periods could drag on like that, it felt like days.

The next day, we had double period math, which meant I could sleep one of them, and the teach wouldn't care. I sat at the usual middle table, with my in class friends. Today seemed weird, I wasn't sure why, but I felt something was gonna happen. I ignored the feeling, but kept my eyes open for anything and everything. I sit at the head of my table, where I can see the whole classroom. I had the greatest view of the cute guys, cuz if I were caught staring, I could pass it off as if I were looking at the board. there was one I loved to stare at in general, Anthony. He was exactly what I liked in most black guys,which is rare. Tall. Thick lips. Asshole personality. and lastly, the swag, the overconfidence......what can I say, I like guys who act like god's gift to the world.

Anyway, he sat at the front middle table, with the other "cool" kids, if there is such a clique anymore, but I had a good view of him, and as loud as he is, I could hear just about everything he said. I figured he was homophobic, cuz he gave off that completely macho persona, a black and white kinda view. I have to admit, the only thing that irked me was his use of the word "gay". he used it to describe everything wrong, or un-likeable.

After the first half of the double, I just decided to put my head down, and relax as everyone rushed into the hallway for 3 minutes of conversational pleasure. I kept my ears open, but closed my eyes. I didn't hear any foot steps, but as everyone came back in, there was a folded piece of paper on my notebook. I didn't pay much mind to it, jus put it with my work. I looked up, and caught the gaze of the guy I tend to gaze at. We connected eyes for a second, then he broke away to join the table conversation. I thought it was weird, but didn't pay much mind to it. the period flew by, I felt like I had just closed my eyes when the bell rang. What was next, bio...or was it forensics....I didn't know, or much less care. "what where you and Anthony talking bout,"asked Jelissa, one of 2 fag hags that I loved. "What are u talking about," was all I could think to reply. she explained, "Why was he leaving your side as I walked into class?""Good question, I have no idea, we didn't speak" "well I know he was definitely there." I thought long and hard. Why was he near me, why was he staring at me. then it hit me all at once. The paper. I couldn't find it. I looked everywhere in my locker, I felt pretty pathetic, looking for a paper that may or may not be related to the guy I like in class. I found in the note in my back pocket with other papers. as I opened it, half expecting it to be a love note, I only saw a number. there was no name, nothing else but a number. I imagined it was his, but then again it could be a prank. So I quickly jotted the number down into my phone, and sent a text to it. Who is this, is all I could write. I got a message back quicker then I expected. It read,"Was good homie". Could it be him? I wasn't sure so I sent my message again.

I didn't get a response until last period. the class was reading Macbeth, which, while full of action, was still ridiculously boring. My phone vibrated, so I jus pulled it out, by now I figured the number was just a prank. I looked and practically jumped out my seat. In bold letters was the name. Anthony. I was about to turn to face him, but couldn't from my seat in the room. so i replied wattup. I thought to myself, what could he want? In that instance a flood of topics filled my mind and began to separate into categories both pure and filthy. My mind invented numerous scenarios that seemed plausible. As quickly as my hopes had risen, they slowly came back down. I remembered there was no chance for us, not even as friends. this assumption ruled out more then half my thoughts. The day went only normally, with me constantly checking my phone for any messages. None came.

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