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A/N: This is my first attempt at doing a story for this game so sorry if it's not that great. It's mainly just going to be horror and lots of humor...especially some snippy comments about certain parts of the game. But, I do hope you all enjoy it and that I can at least make you laugh with my attempt of humor here and there.

"Dear Henry,

It seems like a lifetime since we worked on cartoons together. 30 years really slips away, doesn't it?

If you're back in town, come visit the old workshop. There's something I need to show you.

Your best pal, Joey Drew"

You owlishly blinked your eyes as you looked at the letter that you had received in the mail-a letter that was meant for your father who was currently laid up in bed at the hospital. Yes, poor Henry had taken quite the nasty fall at his workplace recently, breaking his leg and a couple of ribs. You didn't know how, but your father had always been a bit of a klutz. Walking further into the apartment that you and your father shared, you mindlessly wandered into the kitchen and threw down the stack of junk mail and such on the counter before taking a seat on one of the bar stools. Eyeing the old, yellowing parchment paper that looked like it had seen better days before.

But, it was the contents of the letter itself that really caught your attention, you had been aware that long before you were born that your father had worked in animation-he always made it clear that those had been the happiest years of his life. You don't know what caused him to leave, what made him give up on his dream. The details were vague, something happened, your father left and then shortly met your mother who ended up ditching him with you the second you were born. Life had not been all too kind to Henry after he had left the studio, making him a single father to a baby girl and forcing him to work at a job he absolutely hated only because it paid decently well enough to afford the shitty apartment you both currently lived in. So, this letter intrigued you.

Why would a man your father used to work with suddenly make contact with him after 30 years? What would he so badly want to show your father to invite him back to their old workshop? You assumed that the workshop that was so casually mentioned in the letter was the Joey Drew Studios just on the outskirts of town. Yes, your father had never really left the town after leaving the studio, he wasn't brave enough to fully let go of the past and wanted to stick close to it. Maybe he had hoped that Joey would have contacted him sooner, ask for him to return sooner-he most likely never expected sooner to be 30 years later.

You didn't really know what to do with the letter, you obviously couldn't give it to your father in the condition that he was currently in. Knowing him, he'd immediately want to go to the studio and catch up with his old friend-even though he was in no shape to be wandering around a worn-down animation studio that was most likely falling apart. That was the one thing that bothered you, everyone knew about Joey Drew Studios. They were aware that all that was left of the old animation studio was a rotting building that had been abandon and left to fade away with the memories of the wonders it created when everything started crashing down. You vaguely remembered those old black and white cartoons that would play on the television when you were younger.

They were only on air for a few years before finally being pulled completely when everyone became aware that showing reruns wasn't enough to save the studio. It had still been kicking and breathing when you were but an infant but died all too quickly before you were old enough to grow any sort of attachment to its creations. Even though the building was everything to your father, it was nothing to you. With a heavy sigh, you ponder if you could get away with just tossing the letter, perhaps even find this Joey Drew's phone number in the phone book and call him to explain the situation. To let him know that your father wouldn't make their little meeting.

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