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Leaf was just about to take his 3 pm nap, just like every other day. He had already curled up in his tiny cage and prepared to fall asleep when he heard a familiar voice.

"Leaf! Leaf, where are you?" rapid footsteps echoed through the hall full of cages. Emily ran down the aisles, search for her beloved dog.

Leaf jumped up and started barking. He barked until he heard Emily crying with joy, until he heard the key turn in the lock in his cage and there was was, free, in his owner's arms.

He covered Emily's face in slobbery kisses and howled with delight when she rubbed him behind the ear just so.

The next hour went by in a blur. Tears, kisses, and hugs all blended together into a confusing blur of love and joy. The pair ran home together, and Leaf once again stood in the elevator and waited patiently for the button to signify that he was home.

The two walked down the corridor, shaking with delight. Emily opened the door and a streak of black and white fur bolted out and started to jump at Leaf, yipping happily.

"Down, Bonnie!" Emily laughed, crying tears of joy.

Leaf walked over to Bonnie and licked her nose. In that moment, he knew that he was finally home.

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