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"Hey little Midgardian, you look familiar " Loki lowered his body to see Tony more clearly and grin. No one grin like Loki does-his entire face lights up in seemingly unabashed sudden joy.

"Hey Mr.Loki it's nice to meet you" Tony feels like never met this man in his entire life but something about him made Tony comfortable around Loki.

"It's nice to meet Loki?" Sam raised his left eyebrow with little concern

"The last time he's here he-"  Nat sentence cut by Steve

"give us a 1.000 balloon"

"For what?" Little Tony asked, he has back to his child awareness, without sign or anything that's why Tony feels like never meet Loki before. This is crazy it's like he had two personalities any he can't control it although basically they're the same person.

"Uhmmm for "

"For Captain America birthday surprise" Loki answered with a strange look at Tony's eyes

Avengers let Tony sleep in the guest room that Tony made in case they have a guest of course little Tony is the only guest, Tony Stark is a guest in his own home.

There are several explanations for the definition of home, Is it, people? a specific place? or the memories made during a certain period of time? According to Oxford dictionary home is the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. It could mean home is a place where one not only feels comfortable, but a place they look forward to opportunely live in every day. A home is built not by bricks or wood, but with the bond of family. A home is a place that reminds a person of countless memories and values when he walks through a life.

The Avenger is Tony's family.
Avenger tower is Tony's home.

He's home.

Words Count: 234

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